Chapter 44~ Too Good

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Chapter 44

Warm. I'd never been so perfectly warm and comfortable. A soft pressure started at my hairline and slowly works it's way through my hair, only to disappear and return where it started. It tingled my scalp and sunk me deeper into the calm. I snuggled closer, felt smooth skin and dusts of hair against my cheek.

The touch left my hair and a large arm curled around and pulled me closer. I cracked an eye open and leaned back enough to see Bard's face.

A smile curved his mouth, and his chest expanded on a heavy breath. "Good morning, Tequila."

The sun shone bright through the window behind the bed, and I felt like I'd slept for days. "What time is it?"

Bard lifted one shoulder. "Don't really care."

I flopped back down to the pillow, took in the naked chest and shoulders poking above the blanket, then my own lack of clothing.

I jumped off the cliff.

This was the bottom.

It was nicer than I'd thought it would be.

"We're not training?"

Bard shook his head. "I thought we'd take a day off. You've earned it." He propped his head onto his hand and looked down at me. "How do you feel about getting away from this cabin for a while?"

"You mean into town?"

He jerked his head to the window. "No. I mean further out."

"Like camping?"

"Yeah." His lip twitched again, and his eyes softened. They didn't cut, or search, or probe. They absorbed and ran over my face with a sense of the same warmth surrounding me.

I swallowed hard. Drake had never looked at me like that. Drake had never caressed my hair while I slept.

"I mean... sure. I guess. If you want to."

I was falling. I could feel the wind whipping up around me. See the shards of jagged rock below. I was falling fast and hard, and I wasn't sure there was anything to grab hold of to stop myself. I needed to stop myself. I wanted him. I took him. I was more than ready to have him again, but I couldn't let myself get too attached. I had to keep something of myself. I had to keep something to protect me when things changed.

I couldn't be naïve.

Never again.

Bard smiled and rolled off the mattress. I stared at his back, all of his back, and watched as he snatched his jeans from the floor and pulled them on. He turned back, bare chested and barefoot, the button of those pants far too low on his waist.

I'm falling.

"I'll let you get cleaned up and dressed. Pack a couple changes of clothes, and I'll take care of the rest."

I nodded because it was the only response I could come up with. When he walked out of the room, I released a shaky breath and clutched my hair.

I'm a fucking idiot.

A satisfied idiot, inner Jessie added.

I bit my lip. Everything about the night before had been perfect. Bard had been perfect. For a long, long time. He'd been doting. He'd been generous. He'd caressed and held and murmured words too sweet for any man to form. Drake had never been so attentive, even in the beginning.

We didn't have sex.

My eyes widened.

Bard made love to me.

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