Chapter 23 ~ Scars

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Chapter 23

I took the seat across from Mr. Frankfire and stared at the empty hallway. The man who'd disappeared down it wasn't normal. He'd shaken me. Climbed inside my head. Left behind an echo of the rough sounds that'd rumbled from his chest. Each inch of skin his hands had touched prickled with awareness. My stomach clenched.

"Here, girl." A candy hit my hand, and Mr. Frankfire lifted a brow. "Focus on something else."

I unwrapped the treat and took a bite. "I'm perfectly fine. Zeke let me stay here. It's his RV. That's just his nephew."

A smug smile twisted his mouth. "That's good. I told you he'd find a place for you. Just... be careful. Don't shit where you eat."

"I'm not." Yet. Because you're here.

He snorted. "Don't give me that crap. I know a wistful look when I see one. You've got those woman eyes. Daydreaming and lashes all," he wiggled his fingers, "aflutter."

My eyes narrowed. "I don't flutter."

"Yes, you do. You're a woman. You all flutter." He took another bite, face a mask of pock marks and scars, and eyes full of a wisdom I wanted to beat out of him.

The last thing I needed was love advice from someone who thought the president was secretly a lizard. "How'd you find me?"

"I asked your new boss. He told me you were staying out here." He took another bite as he simultaneously shoved candy into his coat pockets. "I'd hoped it would be something like this." He ran out of room and moved onto his jeans. "But I wanted to be sure. It's dangerous out on these streets." He unzipped his bag and, with no shame at all, shoved a full bag inside. "Now that I know you're safe, I can go about my way." He smiled, clutched my hand, then stood.

"What do you mean? I'm not abandoning you."

He paused to study me, eyebrows furrowed in a way that made his already wrinkled face even more scrunched. "You? Abandon me?" He shook his head. "It's me who's been helping you, girl. Not the other way around. Now, I'll remember you with great fondness." He patted his bag, signifying the candy inside. "But I'm done babysitting. You've got your shot here, if you fuck it up, that's on you."

I gaped at him. "Don't be an ass! I plan to save up some money and get a place for us! I was going to–"

Mr. Frankfire stepped forward, and in a move uncharacteristic of either of us, he pulled my head into his chest and gave me an awkward hug. "You're a good girl, Jessie. Too good for the shit that's been handed to you." His gnarled hand patted my head before he pulled away. "But I'm an old man. I've chosen my life. Don't you go thinking you can change it."

He walked away without a backwards glance, and it wasn't until the door shut behind him that I noticed the prickling sensation in my eyes. They were tears. Mother fucker. I wiped them away and thought about running after him.

He was wrong. As much as I'd have loved to forget all about the crazy old man, I wouldn't. I couldn't. I'd bring him some food first chance I got, and if I had to drag his ass when I got a place, I would.

My gaze drifted to the hallway. One thing was for sure. The old man was right. I needed to put a stop to this. I was a grown woman with a lot to do, and becoming involved with a man, this one especially, was the worst idea I could possibly have.

I just need to tell him. Be straight about it. I stood and slowly walked in the direction he'd disappeared. I'm sorry. This was a mistake. I can't get involved with you. Whatever this is will have to stop... Yeah. That's good. Keep it real simple. It's a work thing. It would be unprofessional. A conflict of interests. We're living in the same...

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