Chapter 28

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Ross's arms are still wrapped around me when I wake up. I could probably sleep in more, but as tired as I am, I still remember how he cried last night and it keeps my mind wide awake.

I move closer to Ross's warm body and watch him sleeping soundly. It's good to see him so peaceful.

What in the world made him cry like that last night? I have to ask him again later, and if he doesn't answer then maybe I can ask Taylor or Nadine if something happened.

Eventually Ross wakes up a little and squints his eyes at the sunlight coming through the window. "What time is it?"

"I think around noon," I say. Ross sighs and closes his eyes again. "Are you going to get up?" I ask him.

He shakes his head, coughing lightly. "My throat is so dry... should've had water last night," he mumbles.

"I'll get you water," I say, sliding out of the bed.

"You're the best." Ross rolls over and curls up again.

Heading downstairs, I can hear some voices.

Nadine and Evynne are cleaning up and look over as I enter the kitchen.

"Hey. Sleep well?" asks Nadine.

I nod, taking two plastic cups from the stack on the counter.

"Is Ross still asleep?" she asks, washing some dishes.

"Yeah." I fill the cups with water and glance at her nervously. "He actually, um, seemed kind of upset last night. Did something happen?"

Nadine and Evynne both frown at me. "Not that I know of," says Nadine.

"He did seem a little weird. He's been like that for a while now, hasn't he?" says Evynne. "But I think he was enjoying himself last night."

"What's going on with him?" Nadine asks me.

I shrug. "I don't know... Uh, I better take these upstairs." I bring the water up to the room we slept in and find Ross sound asleep again.

Once I sit down on the bed, I decide to wake him up. He mutters something unintelligible and then blinks his eyes open.

"Here." I hand him a cup of water and keep the other for myself.

Ross sits up and drinks most of it, his eyes half-closed. I notice now that they're kind of red.

I take a breath. "Do you want to talk about last night?" I ask cautiously.

He narrows his eyes and then quickly shakes his head. "No."

"You really worried me," I tell him.

"Sorry. Everything's fine." He leans against me and yawns. "I should probably get home soon."

"Me too," I say quietly, disappointed that he can't tell me what's wrong.

After a moment, Ross picks up his head and kisses my cheek lightly. "I'm sorry, really. I didn't mean to worry you."

I sigh, then smile a little. "It's alright." I take his hand in mine. "Let's go."

Say Something 【boyxboy】√CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now