Chapter 24

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I probably look crazy. I have to keep looking over my shoulder and down the hall to make sure no one's coming after me.

Being this paranoid seems reasonable, considering how Jacob or his friends seem to show up more and more.

I'm sure he's seeking me out, because why else would he be in the junior wing so often?

I keep this from Ross, of course. I don't want him to worry any more than he already does.

"They're still giving you trouble?" asks Gareth, standing beside me.

I sigh. "Yeah. It's getting worse." I hand him the newest note. They've started appearing in my locker again.

Gareth furrows his brow and unfolds the crinkled paper.

The note says: If you say a word, I'll end you.

"Damn," says Gareth, crumpling it up again. "What's that about?"

I shrug, but it's more like a shudder. "I have no idea. He says things like that... and I don't get it."

"Well, is there something he doesn't want you to tell people?"

I shake my head, confused. I've never understood Jacob and why he does this to me.

"You probably shouldn't be alone."

I bite my lip. "Will you walk with me?"

"Of course."


I make it through another week thanks to Ross or Gareth always being with me, but I still get anxious as I wait alone at my locker. Only two more days until spring break, and then I'll have a week of peace.

I hate that Ross's locker is so far away, but it can't be helped. I just have to be patient. I'm certainly not going to head down that way and risk running into...


My eyes widen as I see him turn the corner with two girls. I start to move down the hall, but Jacob sees me and tells them to go ahead without him.

They give him a weird look but he smiles and waves them away.

His smile turns sinister as he walks over to me. "Just who I was looking for."

I freeze up and stare at him. "Wh-what do you want?"

"Meet me outside in a half hour," he says, his green eyes narrowing. "Around back, by the bleachers."

I lower my gaze to the floor and don't say a word. There's no way I'm doing that. He'll beat the crap out of me.

"Got it?"

I nod, and then he pushes past me to catch up with his friends.

Feeling sick to my stomach, I try to control my breathing as I wait for Ross.

He shows up a minute later and I pull him outside.

"What's the hurry?" asks Ross as we walk to his car.

"I'm hungry."

Ross laughs softly and I climb into his jeep. "Do you want to go to the diner or something?"

I shrug, because I don't actually have any appetite, but I'll probably be okay if I'm with him. "Sure."

He reaches over and squeezes my hand before buckling his seatbelt.

We get something to eat at the diner and he drops me off at home after that, but much later in the evening, he texts me.

Are you still awake?

Yeah, what's up?

I want to see you.

My dad's asleep already, but I don't really want to say no to Ross.

Okay, come over then?

I pull on a hoodie and go outside to wait for him at the bottom of the stairs.

When his car pulls up and he gets out, I stand up. "Is everything okay?"

Ross walks over to me with a smile, but it soon disappears. I look up at him in the darkness, concerned. He pulls me into his arms, hugging me tightly.

Confused, I hug him back, and he rests his head on my shoulder. "What happened?" I whisper.

He shivers. "Just... annoyed. Things are so complicated at school. Why can't they leave us alone?" Ross looks me in the eyes, furrowing his brow.

"Who knows about us?" I ask, but I already know.

"All the wrong people," he says with a sigh.

"Did they do something to you?"

"No, no..." Ross pulls me closer again. "I'm worried about you."

I frown and he shivers once more. "Let's go inside..."

I let go of him but he keeps hold of one of my hands, and we go upstairs to the apartment. I open the door as quietly as I can and lead him to my room.

"I know Jake asked you to meet him after school," says Ross, looking almost as nervous as I felt earlier today when that happened.

I lean against my door and avoid his eyes.

"I'm glad you didn't go, but you should've told me about it."

My chest feels tight. "I... I really don't want to talk about him."

Ross moves closer to me and runs a hand through his hair. "I think we need to, though."

All he's going to do is worry more if I tell him everything that Jacob has said or done to me.


"No," I say, shaking my head. "Not tonight. I just want to forget everything."

"I'll get him to leave you alone, somehow..."

I know he wants to protect me but it won't work. It's not just about a few jerks finding out we're together, however that happened.

It's about my past with Jacob, and I really want to avoid bringing that up.

Ross doesn't need to know any of that.

I go over to my bed and curl up on it, wanting all of this to be over.

Ross sighs and turns off my light, then lays down on the bed next to me. His arm winds around my waist and he pulls me close. "It'll be alright," he says softly. "I won't let anyone hurt you."

"I know." I settle against him and take a deep breath, but I know they're giving him a hard time, too.

If only I could protect him.


Author's Note : Hope you liked this week's chapter! What do you think's going to happen next?

I also made an art book (different from the illustrations chapter of this book):

***If you are a new reader, just a heads up that I have been very busy lately with student teaching and haven't been updating every week like usual. I am working on the next chapter but it's really rough and is still being edited. Thank you for your patience!

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