Chapter 19

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I ditch the rest of my classes. I don't answer my phone when Ross calls me.

When I hear someone knocking on my door repeatedly I go to my room and curl up on my bed until he goes away.

I know I should talk to Ross, but I'm mad, hurt, and anxious about all of it. Maybe tomorrow I'll be less emotional. Right now I just need to be alone.

It's obvious that he cares about me. He has from the beginning, but he can't kiss me back when he's seeing someone else.

The next morning, I ignore his texts and calls as he waits outside to pick me up. Eventually, I hear his Jeep drive away and I walk to school in the snow. I don't care if I'm late to homeroom.

I'm nervous about Art class. How could I not be? I share a table with both Ross and Taylor.

It's not like Taylor did anything wrong. Even if they were fighting and on a break or something, what Ross did still isn't right.

They aren't speaking when I get to class. In fact, their stools are at opposite ends of the table. Taylor is looking at something on his phone and Ross is staring out the window.

He looks stressed when he sees me. "Why are you ignoring me?"

I nervously take a seat next to him and get out my art supplies. I can sense him watching me as I take a pencil and eraser out of the pencil case he made me.

"I've been trying to apologize," he says, his voice more gentle than before.

My hand shakes as my pencil hovers over a clean page in my sketchbook. I don't really know how to deal with how I'm feeling. It has me shaken up.

"Please look at me," he says desperately. I flinch when he touches my arm.

"Leave him alone." Taylor glares from across the table. "Jude obviously doesn't want to talk to you right now."

"What am I supposed to do?" asks Ross. "Like I said, I'm trying to apologize."

"Instead of having to apologize so often, why don't you actually stop fucking up?" Taylor's voice is calm. It's obvious that he's tired of dealing with all of this.

"Fuck you," snaps Ross.

I grip my pencil tightly and stare straight down at my paper. I don't know what I should say, or if I should say anything at all.

Other classmates start to look over at our table now, curious and concerned.

"You know what? I've tried to fix things, but the problem is you. You don't want to change," says Taylor, frustrated. "I... I give up on you."

Ross stands and grabs his backpack, knocking over his stool as he hurries towards the door.

All of our classmates look over at the sound of the crashing stool.

Mr. Kidwell calls after him, but it's too late. Ross is gone.

Once class resumes, I hesitantly glance at Taylor. "I'm... I'm sorry," I manage to say.

Taylor sighs. "It's okay, it's not you. Ross is a mess right now." He chews his lip for a moment, thinking. "It's probably better if you stay out of it anyway... for your own good, I mean."

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