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Dan pulled on his shirt and looked in the mirror, adjusting his fringe. He decided to leave his hair curly this one date, just as an experiment. His Uber showed up and he got in telling the driver where to go. It was some expensive-ish restaurant downtown. He paid the driver as they showed up and got out of the car, looking around for the familiar face that was Phils.

"Dan?" A voice called behind him. He turned around to see the raven haired boy and smiled. "Hey.."

They entered the restaurant with some small talk and waited for their table.

"I heard this place is REALLY good," Dan looked over at Phil.

"I haven't been but I've heard the same thing.. especially the pasta," Phil laughed as the waitress came and pulled them to the table.

They had an amazing dinner. Lots of laughing and almost choking on liquor.

That's when Dan decided to take Phil home to have even more fun. (If ya know what I mean 😏)

Dan woke up in the morning and felt beside him. There was no one. He frowned and sat up thinking, "And to think I had a connection with him... maybe he'll answer my texts?" He picked up his phone and texted Phil, only to receive the pop up that said, "THIS PERSON ISN'T RECEIVING MESSAGES FROM YOU RIGHT NOW." Dan scoffed and tossed his phone on the bed mumbling.


Dan had just gotten over Phil. He had gone on several great dates with Pj, and was happy with him.

Actually, it was so serious, Pj was going to his family get together.

"Babe I'm a little nervous." Pj fumbled with his hair in the mirror. Dan smiled and wrapped arms around him from the back.

"You look perfect. Now we gotta go or we're gonna be late."

They arrived at the house and smiled to the family. Dan introduced Pj to everyone and noticed his sister (ok sorry but I don't want dans brother to be in this so he has a sister), Leah, wasn't here.

"Mom where's sis?" Dan asked.

"Oh she's picking up her boyfriend!" She answered happily.

Dan shrugged as he heard the door open to see Phil holding hands with Leah. Dans eyes widened and immediately hid behind the cabinet.

He was there for about 10 minutes, just staring at the dark wood when he heard, "You seem awfully interested in that cabinet."

Dan knew first thing that it was Phil. He turned and hugged. "What do you want?"

"Woah, just saying hi to my soon to be brother in law."

Dans eyes widened even more and he looked down to Phils left hand, which indeed did have a ring on it. He rolled his eyes and looked back up to his eyes. "Alright well hi."

Phil chuckled and walked away.

This was definitely going to be very interesting for Dan... his sister is getting married to someone he has feelings for?


This was so poorly written 😂 thanks for reading

PHAN ONE SHOTSNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ