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"Owwwwwww," Phil moaned from the hallway. Dan sighed and looked back at the door.

"Phil? Are you okay?" He yelled. Phil didn't answer. Dan sighed again and walked out to see Phil laying face first on the floor. "Phil?"

Phil mumbled something into the carpet and Dan rolled him over. "I'm not used to this new apartment yet..." 

Dan giggled and looked down at him. "Phil if you don't be careful i'm gonna have to wrap you in bubble wrap."

Phil pouted and looked down. "I'll be careful, Danny boy."

Dan pecked his lips and then stood up. "Let's go finish unpacking?" Phil nodded and grabbed a box.

An hour and a half later, Phil has fallen four times. Dan smirked and grabbed extra bubble wrap and snuck behind Phil, who was trying to put the plushies up neatly. Dan ran up to him and started to wrap him quickly.

"Dan! What are you doing?!" Phil yelled and giggled. Dan continues to wrap him up and grabbed some conveniently placed duct tape nearby. 

"There, it's a masterpiece!" Dan laughed loudly. "You can't get hurt anymore!" 


Yeah yeah... short but sweet.. I think. Im not too sure. Anyway hope you enjoyed!

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