"Again with the nodding." Dean laughed and I smiled trying to hide the blush.

Then Miss Amara appeared in the door and Dean slid off his chair. "I'll see you round." He said, his hand raised in a small wave.

"Yeah see you." I said as he walked back over to his seat on the other table, next to his friend Benny. Azazel didn't seem to come back all lesson.

At lunch I was feeling quite confident and decided to brave the cafeteria again. But the moment I walked through the doors I regretted it. A sea of heads turned to look at me and my vision grew blotchy, my hands shaking.

Once I'd collected my food I looked around at the rows of tables. At my high school who you sat with in the cafeteria mean everything. It classed you in a clique, a public display of popularity, or not, in my case.

My eyes first fell on the biggest table in the centre of the room. Almost all of the bodies on the table wore the blue and white soccer shirts or cheerleading outfits. Dean stood out to me, his green eyes watching me full of concern. Next to him was Benny and Azazel and too his right sat Lisa. Well I say to his right, honestly it was more on his lap. Next to her was Hannah, her face moulded into a scowl. Opposite her was Abaddon, Lilith, Dick and a boy and a girl I didn't know too well.

The boy was called Michael, he had dark hair and was well built. Next to him was his twin sister Hester. She didn't look much like him, she had blond hair and pale eyes. Their parents were very close with Mrs Naomi and they were practically top of the school because of it. They were super smart and the others only really kept them around because they were the teachers favourites and could get them out of any school situation.

Judging by the people that occupied that table I definitely wasn't welcome there. Another table near by was the 'rebellious' kids. They all wore black and each had some sort of criminal record. Crowley was amongst them, sitting between a pretty brown haired girl called Ruby and another brunette I sat next to in English class, Meg. She wasn't that bad, and actually talked to me sometimes even if she always called me Clarence. Never the less I avoided that table as I found them all slightly intimidating.

I made my way slowly through the rows of tables, heads looking up at me as I passed. At one point I found myself looking towards a table full of freshmen kids including Sam Winchester who shot me a sad smile. He was next to his friends a blond girl called Jess and some other boy called Andrew or Adam or something, I didn't really remember him.

I realised my legs were taking me towards an empty table in the far corner of the room but I stopped when I heard my name called out.

"Hey Castiel!" The voice repeated and I turned around frowning. I saw a table not to far from me, the girl Charlie waving at me.

"Come sit here!" She yelled and I scanned the others on the table. I realised it was most of the support group. Jo, Gabriel, Garth, Kevin, Anna and of course Charlie were all smiling at me welcomingly. I wasn't really in a chatty mood but I didn't really care. I was just glad there was still somewhere I was welcome and I was sitting next to Jo opposite Charlie within seconds.

The usual chatter in the hall resumed and I felt my muscles relax a little. "Hey Cas, it's been a long time since you stopped by the diner. You should come by some time, my mom would love to see you." Jo smiled at me as I picked at my food and there was a familiar warmth in her tone.

"Yeah, I'd like that." And I was serious, after Jo's suicide attempt I didn't really want to return to the diner. It just felt wrong. But now I did want to see Ellen again, there was a time when she was like a second mom to me, and anyway I was a little short on money.

Gabriel and Garth were having a debate about what was better pancakes or waffles but I wasn't really paying much attention. I'd let my eyes drift back over to Hannah's table and I couldn't help thinking they all looked liked celebrities with their perfect hair and good looks. Hannah was having an animated conversation with Michael and Hester but I couldn't really hear what it was about.

After a while I realised it was the people sitting next to her that had caught my attention. Lisa was now actually sitting on Dean's lap facing him, their lips pressed together. Now that I knew Dean a little better it made me wonder why he was with a girl like that. He seemed nice enough, quite independent and even quite clever about certain things. But Lisa was mean and spiteful there was not doubt about it. She was also fake and everyone knew she cheated on Dean. It just didn't make sense. Then again I wondered why it bothered me so much, I wasn't jealous or anything.

"Popular kids." Charlie muttered following my gaze.

I chuckled "you sound like you're in a teenage chick flick movie."

"Who's to say I'm not!" She smiled brightly.

"Hey Castiel do you watch any TV shows?" She asked after a slightly awkward silence. She was flicking grains of salt off of the table and her nails made a gentle clicking sound as they hit the plastic.

"Well my parents don't really like me watching TV but I have my ways, I love Doctor Who, oh and Sherlock-"

Gabriel cut me off, "Did someone say Sherlock!" He was practically yelling despite being a few feet away from me. I nodded and he grinned, although he was older than all of us he sort of reminded me of an excitable toddler.

"I love Sherlock!" He smiled a sucker propped in the corner of his mouth. Lots of other people on the table nodded in agreement. I felt a slight glow of happiness swell in my chest. For the first time in ages, I actually felt wanted.

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