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just....leaving this here (; wink wink

Author POV

"Do we really have to keep this a secret Oppa?" ChoonHee looked up at Jungkook as they cuddled on her couch, watching Finding Dory.

Her brother was out again, doing late night shifts at the hospital. Jungkook's hyungs were already fast asleep at their dorm and he easily snuck out to meet his girlfriend, just like old times.

They were secretly dating again. Jungkook thought it'll be a good idea since his girlfriend's brother still hates him. Although he badly wants to tell his Hyungs so they can stop giving him the cold shoulder, he knew he had to tell when the right time comes.

"We've been through this Jagiya...I can't risk my hyungs AND your brother getting mad at me." He sighed, kissing the top of her head in reassurance.

She frowned. "Why is it so hard though? Aren't they your Hyungs? Shouldn't they accept you no matter what happens?" Jungkook sighed, 'She's more innocent than I thought she was.' He thought.

"When we first...broke up-" He paused and angrily ruffled his hair. He doesn't like saying how they broke up. It brought back painful memories.

"They took everything wrong. Especially Yoongi Hyung. He was the most upset and wouldn't talk for a whole week. They were all disappointed in me and I can never forgive myself for that. I love them too much to hold a grudge on them but, if I slowly start showing them that i'm not what they thought I was then we'll go back to the way we were." He was confident that it'll work but ChoonHee was more hesitant.

"If you keep waiting then eventually you all will drift apart." She tried to reason.

But he just continued to smile down at her. "That's how much I trust them." Was all he said before he fixed his gaze back to the new TV ChulSoo recently bought. It was small but ChoonHee didn't care. It was perfect for her.

"I'm going to use the bathroom, i'll be back." Jungkook whispered but ChoonHee barely paid any attention to him. She was already sucked in the movie, not batting an eyelash for her boyfriend.

"Ahh...I'm glad Dory-sshi found her parents again." ChoonHee cried as she wiped her tears with a nearby tissue. The movie already ended and she was just sitting there, trying to stop her tears from falling.

As she continued to attempt to wipe her tears, her front door started to jiggle before her brother stepped in. "I'm home~" ChoonHee's eyes widen and her head snapped towards her brother who was already entering the living room.

"Eh? ChoonHee-ah...Why're you crying!?" He panicked, rushing to her side, wiping her tears.

"Wh-what are you doing home so early?" She stuttered, hoping Jungkook heard her brother come in so he can hide.

"I got someone to cover for me...Are you crying over HIM again?" He asked, with a bitter tone in his voice as he spoke about the guy that broke his sisters heart.

She flinched and was itching to tell him the truth but she knew she couldn't. She promised Jungkook that she'll wait.

"I'm not-"

"Jagiya, you're out of napkins..." Jungkook trailed as he entered the living room. He looked at ChulSoo who was looking ChoonHee and him back and forth.

ChulSoo stood up and stalked his way towards the scared teen. "I thought I told you to stay away from her!"

Jungkook immediately lifted his hands up in surrender. "Hyung, please believe me! I didn't do anything-" ChulSoo punched him straight in the gut that caused Jungkook to bend down in pain.

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