My mother instantly mocked with disdain before shaking her head. "Do you even hear yourself, Céleste? These savings are for the university. You only make a teenage whim. That proves you're not ready to live with a boy."

"Living with a boy. That is the problem ? Do you think that because I'm going to live with him, I will suddenly give up all the things I believe in ?"

" You are too young ! You haven't even finished high school! "

"I love him! "

My father intervened abruptly in the way of the opening probably alerted by the cries before giving glances between my mother and me. "Wow, what's going on with all the screams?"

I clenched my jaw in exasperation before I straightened up by signing my mother in the direction of my father. " Ask her! "

"Céleste !"

"Robert! You can't seriously tell me that you agree with all this nonsense !"

"I don't agree but I don't think confrontation is the solution to handle this problem. "

I breathed in disbelief before giving a long look at my father. " This issue ?! This is not a fucking problem you need to solve !"

"Language, young girl!"

" I am no longer a baby ! When are you going to understand that ?"

I shook my head out of breath of cries before rushing in the living room. I didn't know the calls of my parents as I slammed the door of my room before leaning against it by releasing a deep breath.

I raised my eyes on my ceiling to hold back my tears before lowering my eyes on the whole of my room.

I could vaguely hear my parents arguing in the background letting me bite on my lower lip before stiffening me at the sight of my sports bag beneath my bed.

I gauged the bag for a moment in silence before pushing me abruptly from my door.

I went straight on my bed pulling my bag before throwing it on the top of my bed to open it wide.

I watched the door over my shoulder as I rushed to my closet before opening it on the fly.

I didn't even think about my choice as I took a pile of clothes randomly before throwing them dryly into my sports bag.

I was doing two more laps before I looked around my room, wrinkling my lips to make sure I had not forgotten anything.

I rushed to my office in realization before taking out my bag where I had hidden all my savings accumulated through my small holiday jobs.

I threw the bag into my sports bag before closing it.

I picked up my car keys, my phone charger, my papers and my phone from my night table before putting on my jacket.

I threw the strap of my sports bag over my shoulder before opening the door of my room dryly to steer me into the corridor while typing a quick message to Chris.

I had almost reached the front door when my father and mother rushed into the corridor with wide eyes at the sight of the bag on my shoulders.

"Céleste, what are you doing ?"

"I am leaving. "

I opened the front door to point out my point before hitting the steps of the steps of the porch as my parents rushed onto the porch.

"Céleste, come back here right away! "


I was running on the driver's back side of my Volvo, supporting the horrified look of my mother and father before shaking my head as I threw my bag on the back seat before I set behind the wheel.

The purest - Chris Schistad #WattPrideWhere stories live. Discover now