Chapter Three

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Image: Vince Cervantez 

"Oh my god this is just way to damn hot!" Daisy complained for the hundredth time within an hour. It was a Saturday, Daisy and I were in my room dying of heat. Today I guess the sun had decided to love us with its heat because it was extremely hot. It was to the point, I was sweating bullets and my hair was clinging onto my skin, the ones that escaped the bun I had it on. I was basically drowning within my own sweat and it was not pleasant. A shower wouldn't work. I had already showered twice and the fact that our AC was not working only killed me slowly. The repair man wasn't due here for another two day's because of how busy it was with summer still licking at our backs.

"How come we don't do something today?" Daisy complained throwing herself over my bed. I rolled my eyes. I knew she had a point. We needed to get out of this heat if not I was going to strangle Daisy within the next couple of seconds. The heat was making me very irritated with her at the moment and I wanted nothing more but for to stop complaining. I took in a deep breath before shouting out Vince name loud and clear. "VINCE!"

Daisy flinched, "What in the world! Why don't you just get up and go to his room?" she complained rubbing her ear as I had yelled almost directly into it. 

I shrugged smiling satisfied with half getting her back with her annoyance, "Why don't you go to his room," I teased raising my eyebrows in a seductive manner. I knew it was wrong for me to tease her over my brothers crush but because I knew it was never going to happen, I took great liking to do so. 

Daisy scoffed, "I would love that but-"

She was interrupted by my door being opened. Vince stood under the threshold of the doorway, "Can I help you?" Vince asked glaring at me, his face slightly red from the heat. He stood in black basketball shorts and a wife beater. He looked just as irritated as we all probably felt. 

I smiled sweetly at Vince from where I rested, "My lovely big brother..."

His eyes narrowed, "What do you want Michelle? Cut the bullshit."

"Can you take us to the-"

"No," he said bluntly not letting me even finish my sentence. It was my turn to narrow my eyes at him. If it wasn't because Daisy nor I had a car, I wouldn't be asking Vince for this favor. Yes, we had our licence but because our parents seemed to want us to grow that involved us buying our own car. Daisy had more of a chance at getting a car than I did. She had a job, I didn't and it wasn't because I didn't want one. It was because it had to be approved by my dad. He didn't want me to strive away from my studies. So far, no job achieved his expectations. 

I was starting to think that he didn't want me to get a car in the first place and much rather I depended on him and Vince for rides. 

"You didn't even let me finish my sentence!" I complained.

"Because I don't want to do anything you want to do and I sure as hell don't want to be your chauffeur for today," he said irritatingly.

"You're so mean! Next time you need a favor from me you can count me out of it!" I shouted. After that we proceeded to throw every favor we had both done for each other. Daisy looked from Vince to me as we went on and on and on. It seemed as if minutes had passed since we were going back and forth until Daisy had enough.

She quickly shot up to her feet. "Both of you shut up! You're consistent talking and yapping is causing the room to get even hotter!" She huffed blowing a strand of her hair out of her way. She turned her gaze towards Vince, who looked irritated by being yelled at. "Now can you please let her ask you what she wants to ask you because like you, I am not enjoying this weather and it gets me a bit cranky!" she snapped throwing herself once again onto the bed.

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