Chapter Thirteen

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Oh Brother The Walk Of Shame(13)

She was not like a sister to me. She never was and she never would. I probably should not be seeing her as nothing other than a sister, other than the little girl that would play with me but it was hard. As I kissed her forehead for the second time, I wished I would not harm her, I wished I would be able to give her the world and not break her but something in the back of my mind knew better. I knew I would be throwing her into my world, a world that was not meant for her. A world that everyone was trying to keep her out of and here I was pulling her into. For someone so fragile so Innocent so sweet. I didn't want to let her go again, would that be selfish of me? To not care to bring her into my world, into a world that could hurt her, so I couldn't lose her, again?

Of course it would be selfish.

And of course I didn't give a fuck. 


The pounding in my head, my muscles hurting and the dryness of my mouth, was a sure sign that I, Michelle Cervantez, had my first hangover. Yes, I had a horrific hangover! One that I could do without at the moment, but it was my first hangover, which meant that I had a good time at the party. Right? 

Slowly, I touched my head trying to massage the headache away. I winced as I felt the throbbing pick up pace. I let out a groan as I felt a jab over and over again.

This is why people liked drinking? To wake up with this horrific headache? If that was the case, I rather not drink anymore.

"Take this it might help," A deep rumbling voice said. My heart stopped as I seized the rubbing of my temples. I quickly snapped my eyes opened. I gaped at the man standing before me. A smirk appearing on his lips as he took in my stone shocked face apparently I was amusing him.

I looked at the guy leaning against the door frame, a glass in hand, watching me. His smirk was still fully intact, but I had no idea who he was. His face was unrecognizable as my eyes shifted around him. I felt my heart slam down my stomach as I didn't recognize anything around the room because this was not my room.

I had not slept in my room!

I sat up quickly only to feel the covers fall. His eyes lowered and I followed his gaze. I let out a piercing scream as panic seized my body and mind. I had nothing but a bra and my underwear on. I scrambled to cover myself as I screamed my guts out.

I didn't even see him move, but I sure felt the hand slap over my mouth, seizing my screams instantly. I watched as the guy took his index finger, placing it over his lips. "Can you please stop screaming? It's pretty annoying," he said. My eyes furrowed. "Will you not scream if I remove my hand?" I nodded once, clenching the covers tighter against me. "If you do scream again, I will slam my hand against your mouth again and you will seriously have pissed me off," he warned looking at me dead in the eyes, a serious face. "And you really don't want to piss me off this early in the morning." Something in me told me, he wasn't lying. I didn't want to make him mad.

When I nodded eagerly once again, I felt him remove his hand off my lips. He regarded me carefully, waiting for me to scream, but once I didn't, he stood up to his full height. As he watched me, I watched him. He was tall around six feet or so. He was lean but built, his skin was fair, tattoos scattered here and there on his arms, black hair that fell slightly over his forehead, full lips and green eyes. I tilted my head to the side, he seemed oddly familiar, his face, handsome as it was, looked very familiar but at the same time, he didn't.

"You might be wondering why you are here, do you not?" he asked. I nodded not being able to find my voice and I was scared if I did open my mouth, another scream would come out and that was kind of the last thing I wanted to do right now. "And I'm sure you are wondering why you are half naked?" I blushed tightening the covers over my body once more. I really wanted to know the answer to that question.

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