Chapter Two

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Image: Duran Castaneda

Throughout the time I had to show Duran the way around school, we didn't speak much and if we did, it would be me who would do the talking. It was always simple things like showing him where the restrooms were located through the building, pointing out the library, some classes, the lockers, his locker. Duran would remain quiet. He at least had the decency to look up, nod and return his attention back towards his phone, with a bored expression plastered on his perfect looking face.

I wanted to smack that phone out of his hands and see if he had any other type of expression besides total boredom and cockiness. I didn't really remember Duran much when we were all younger. I only remembered bits and pieces and of course seeing someone get picked on was something you did remember. But regardless of how he was, he was now this and I hated having been stuck with this job. I was sure there was someone else out there more prepared for these type of things and that was sure not me.

Stacy for instance had been a better candidate. She wasn't only higher than me in the academic pyramid but she was also in the cheerleading squad, therefore, she was naturally, social. I wasn't. I was more naturally antisocial.  

As we walked through the hallways, we would get stared at by both the girls and guys of the school. I suppose the girls were wondering what I was doing with a guy like Duran or why would a guy like Duran be around me. And the guys were staring at Duran, checking the new meat, the new competition. 

Because Duran was going to be competition to all of the male population in this school. It seemed that he out did the so called 'bad boys' at being bad. You know with him actually pulling off the 'I don't give a fuck' attitude. I had never met someone who actually pull off the attitude without making it look so fake. It seemed that Duran was born with it. His obvious way of dismissing people and of course the fact that he had those tattoos all over his body in very visible places and was still attending this school, well it said a lot. No one was allowed to show their tattoos. It was not permitted. We had a student last year who had gotten a tattoo on her collarbone, only visible if she wore specific shirts. Long story short, she was expelled. No matter how much her parents fought for her to stay, saying she would cover it up with a bandage or anything, it didn't matter she was kicked out. So having Duran coming into school with all those very visible tattoos, said a lot about him. A lot that even the principle seemed to fear him. I, personally, had never seen anyone with tattoos on their necks, especially some so huge and very well seen.

All the 'bad boys' here wanted to be a bad boy because they thought that was what attracted the girls and I would be lying if I said that it didn't because it did. The girls wanted to be the ones to change the bad boy just like they wanted to be the one's to get the player to hang his player jersey. A bad boy was a player as well but with the reputation of not being good. 

But watching Duran now, the so called bad boys had nothing on him, nothing at all and I really doubted any girl would be able to tame him.

He out did the players because a guy like that had to be a player, he just screamed sexual appeal. I felt sorry for every other guy, Duran was the whole package of a bad boy/player, now if only he had a sensitive side; which I highly doubted he had, with no doubt, he would be the ideal guy.

Currently, we were walking along the hallways towards the cafeteria for lunch. It was amazing how everyone parted for us, for Duran, as we walked down the hallway. I had never gotten so much respect, even if I was Vince little sister. No one really cared to impress Vince little ugly sister. I was a fly on the wall of what was Vince. People knew who I was but no one bothered to get to know me or befriend me, unless it was to use to me to get to him.

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