Pull The Trigger(14)

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Pull The Trigger(14)

"Put the gun down you cowered." Sneered the husband and almost instantly Duran's grip tighten as he swayed slightly his red shot eyes narrowing at the man before him. 

"I'm the coward?" Javier chuckled slightly. "You are the one that came into this house thinking just because you are her," he sneered the words as he nodded towards his mom. "Husband you have an ounce of power over us. She doesn't even have any power over us-"

The husband looked at him narrowing his eyes. "She's your mother."

At this Duran howled with laughter. I was pretty amazed he could laugh with the guys hand wrapped around his neck but he managed. He proceeded to laugh and suddenly stopped as if he hadn't laughing at all. He narrowed his green eyes at his mothers husband. "She is not our mother. She's the bìtch who pushed us out of her pu$sy nothing more and nothing less."

My eyes swivel towards the lady who only stared wide eyed. She hugged the little boy to her body perhaps trying to shield him from his brothers, as if their hatred was aimed at him as well. It wasn't. I knew this. They couldn't and wouldn't hate one of their siblings even if they did hate the lady who gave birth to them.

"Now this was fun, you know letting you have your fun by thinking you can hold onto my neck giving you the vision that you have some sort of upper hand but the fun is over and the entertainment is no longer there so I suggest you let go of me."

No one budged. The husband didn't let go and Javier didn't retreat his gun. My eyes saw the movement before anyone else. I saw as Duran moved his hand towards his back and he produced a gun. He slowly aimed it at the husbands other temple. My eyes widen. Claudia gasped as she held tighter onto her mom as Mrs. Castañeda held tighter onto Mr. Castañeda. "I said let go." Duran gritted through clenched teeth.

Vicky, she took one look at this and shrieked as she sprinted towards her husband and sons with the youngest son on her hip.

"Stop this!" She screamed as she desperately tried so shove either Duran or Javier but none budged. "Stop this! Call the cops!" She screamed but once again no one moved a single inch.

"Get the fůck away!" Javier sneered as he shoved her away with one hand sending her stumbling but she managed to catch herself.

I panicked as I saw the little boy began to whimper, scared out of his mind. It twisted something in me seeing how his parents were basically fighting with the brothers he never knew he had or even knew were his brothers. In his innocent eyes they looked like bad guys, bad guys who were hurting his parents. Without thinking about it, I sprinted forward. I vaguely heard Vince calling me to stop but I didn't.

I ran into the line of fire to say. I stood between the mother and the three men my hands up to stop her from once again trying to ram herself into them.

"Stop!" I screamed momentarily freezing her on the stop.

"Who are you?" She demanded narrowing her eyes. "Get out of my way!" She screamed trying to go around me but I blocked her.

"What are you doing? They are your children and you are running at them with that attitude and with your youngest as they have guns?!" I practically shrieked. My heart was pounding and I had no idea how both Javier or Duran seemed to take my inference seeing as my back was towards them, but I didn't care. My thoughts were that little boy and his scared expression. 

Their mother's glared at me. "Who are you to call me out on my attitude?! These two are more like monsters than my sons!" I flinched at her words.

But I stuck to my guns, pun intended, as I leveled my glare. "I am none of your concern but you ma'am are a bad mother!"

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