The Lamb And The Wolves(20)

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|The Lamb and the Wolves|

He took one look at her, and he knew she was the perfect kind of trouble;a good girl who knew exactly when to be bad.


We sat around the living room, I kept to myself and observed the rest. No one tried to speak to me and I didn't mind it. I didn't want to speak to anyone. I was still upset that the males in my life wanted to make every decision in my life. At least that's how they made it seem.

I was more fueled with anger towards Duran. How dare he think he could boss me around and tell me what to do like stay away from Eddie, who by the way I hadn't even planned on getting near but now I might just do so to spite Vince, Javier and especially Duran. He was agitating me with his whole, I don't wan't to be friends to his I want you to trust me, let me touch you let me slip my fingers into-

I stopped myself from even letting my mind wander towards that area. I couldn't dive into that, not right now. I glanced towards Duran, who had walked back into the living room minutes after I had. He sat next to Jenny, once again. Their closeness bothering me, I knew he was doing it on purpose to get a reaction out of me, but unlike an hour ago, I refuse to let him get an obvious reaction out of me, even if it bothered me that Jenny's hand draped dangerously too close to his private area and his hand kept doing circle motions on her thigh as he spoke to Javier and Vince.

To take my mind off them, I looked out the window behind them. It had started to get dark and dad along with Eddie hadn't came out of the office and of course, I was the only one that felt bad for Ray and Anthony which is why I stood up and made my way out the door. I felt a couple of eyes as I walked out but no one said anything nor did they try to stop me.

I close the door behind me as I made my way down the driveway. The wind slightly picked up around sending some of the falling leaves around, the sun had long gone. Of course the sun had gone down since five thanks to daylight savings. I made it to the car, tapping on the tinted window. I began to feel slightly unsure of the decision I had made, but after an hour of no sign of life coming out of dads office, well it was inhuman to let these two stay out in the cold and probably hungry, I had a heart even if they and the others didn't.

After a couple of seconds, the door opened and Rays head popped out. We stared at each other neither one of us speaking. We stayed in silence for a couple of seconds before I cleared my throat. "It doesn't seem that your brother is coming out any time soon, if you want to come in and warm up you can." I could see my breath fan out in the cold and I was really regretting the fact that I hadn't taken a jacket with me. I hugged myself watching him. He seemed unsure turning to look at Anthony, who seemed just as unsure.

The confident Anthony who I had seen days ago was long gone. He shrugged hugging himself trying to warm up. "He is taking forever and we did apologize," Anthony pointed out.

With a heavy sigh, they both got off the car and followed me up the driveway before I could open the door, a hand clasp down my shoulder, tugging me away from the door. I couldn't help the scare it gave me as I quickly turned around shouldering their touch away. Ray put his hands up immediately backing away. "Are you sure this is okay?" I furrowed my eyebrows looking at him confusedly. "With your brother and the others, I mean," he rubbed the back of his head nervously "I don't think they are our biggest fans, especially Anthony's." I glanced over at Anthony, who nodded.

I shrugged. "Doesn't matter if they aren't your biggest fans. I'm not one of your biggest fans and here I am asking both of you to come into my home. Just don't say anything to get them riled up. In fact, don't speak at all if you can help it. My parents are here, I doubt that they will try anything but don't tempt them." Once again I attempted to enter and once again I was stopped. This time I didn't pull away and Ray didn't move his hand away, but that didn't make me any less uncomfortable at his touch. 

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