Chapter Nine

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She glanced up into the sky feeling the grass below her body. A small breeze passed through her dress but it wasn't enough to lift it up. She turned her head to look at Duran. "Duran I'm getting itchy!" She scratched her leg. "Tell me again why are we here? And why are we doing this?" She asked once again scratching.

Duran told her nothing. He stared up into the sky. Lately he had looked distant and sad although when she asked him if something was the matter, he always said no and changed the subject. She knew something was wrong but she also knew Duran would not tell her.

"Do you think there is a better life after this?" he asked gently almost a whisper.

Her eyebrows furrowed. She didn't understand the question. "What do you mean?"

He turned his head to look at her. He said nothing but just focused on her face. She was too young to understand. She was too fragile and innocent and he didn't want to break that. He looked away and back up into the sky. He couldn't ruin her innocent look into life, he wouldn't. After the things he had seen, after things he knew, Michelle was the only good thing. "Nothing Mikkie, nothing."

He felt her hand clasp his soon after. "DunDun I love you so much."

He stared down at her hand around his for a couple of seconds before he looked back up at her. She was looking at him with her big wide green eyes. The breeze lifting her raven black hair up slightly, "Why are you telling me that?" he asked slightly confused.

She shrugged and looked up into the sky. "I just thought I would remind you that I love you. My mommy says that sometimes reminding someone how much you love and care for them is necessary." She turned to face him smiling. "So I thought I remind you. I love you and care for you DunDun." She looked away but he kept staring at her. Reliving the words over and over inside his mind, even when she began to talk about the clouds and what shapes they were taking, giggling. However, Duran wasn't paying attention to that he was too focused on the words she had spoken. She had no idea what those words had done to him. The words so innocent so pure and so true. He knew he had to always protect her always care for her at any cost she was all he had now. All he had and all he needed.


As promised, Duran was gone when I woke up. I didn't expect him to be here but it was a disappointment to awake alone for a strange reason. Although, I knew it was the best for him to be gone before someone found him in my room, in my bed, now that would not have turned out good at all, days had passed by and I knew he wouldn't be showing his face in my room anytime soon. But of course I couldn't pass anything up with Daisy.

I was awakened by Daisy, who was once again let in by dad. I wasn't awaken kindly by her either. I felt myself be nudged, hard. When I didn't budge, the covers were ripped off my body.

"Why are you here?" I asked bluntly rubbing the sleep from my eyes. I didn't bother to sit up because it was pointless besides I knew I would be in pain if I did.

She stared at me before she threw her head up and let out a from the stomach type of laugh. I narrowed my eyes, "Why are you laughing and why are you here?" I snapped.

She immediately stopped laughing and stared at me. Daisy was acting weird even for herself. She was up to something and that was never good.

"I know."

I raised my eyebrow. "You know what?" I asked slowly not understanding anything at all. I was to drowsy to even try and make sense of what she was blabbering about.

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