Deadly Sons(14)

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Deadly Sons(14)

November 28th

"And can you go get more mashed potatoes? We ran out and you know how much your tia loves them!" Mom ran around the kitchen looking for her purse. It was thanksgiving day and as much as mom didn't know how to cook, she had taken plenty of cooking classes training for this day. She wanted everything to be perfect and ready by seven on the dot, so she had all of us helping. Mainly against our will. But it was mom and she got kind of crazy when she was this way.

I had recently, a couple of weeks ago, gotten my license and I had the privilege today of going to the supermarket and getting things mom suddenly noticed were missing or what she wanted more of. It was unnerving but it had me out of the house so I couldn't complain.

I sighed. "I got it." I walked over were her wallet laid on the table taking out her debit card and practically running out the door before she demanded more.

I walked down the pathway towards the car. When I heard a sharp whistle as I unlock the door, I glanced up seeing Javier walking out the front door of his house. I let out a sigh of relief that it was him who was coming out and not the other one. Javier held his hand up signaling me to stop. I smiled and did as he asked as he walked through the grass, the door suddenly open to his house and I felt myself panic.

"Javier! Javier get back here!" Shouted a very agitated Claudia. Javier rolled his eyes as he turned to look at his little sister.

"What Claudia?" he gritted out.

I wondered why we hadn't put a fence up between our homes the thought suddenly came to mind seeing how now Javier was on the boarder line of his lawn and ours.

"You can't just leave. You need to stay here and help and-"

Javier suddenly whirled around. I felt the tension  as Javier glared at Claudia. "I can leave. You don't tell me what I can or can't do. Keep that in mind."

"No you can't she's your mother."

My ears perked up at that. I glanced between the two siblings seeing that Claudia hadn't noticed my presence just yet. His mother? Their mother?

"She is no mother of mine! And she is not your mother, it should not bother you what the fuck I do. I don't know why she's even here. She shouldn't be and neither will I," he snarled before he turned and stomped my way, he pulled the door open. "Can I go with you? Good." He didn't wait for a respond as he got into the car slamming the door shut after him. I stayed still feeling Claudia's gaze on me. We hadn't spoken ever since Duran's and I's little show down. Apparently it was said now that Javier and I were a thing and neither of us seemed to put the rumors to rest.

We tried at first but it was useless so we found it pointless after awhile. Javier said as long as we knew nothing was going on between us, it was fine. It didn't bother him and it shouldn't bother me, but it did. It sort of did. I was being looked at differently by the people at school. I was being whispered about and it bothered me. Javier had told me if it bothered me to let him know, he'll take care of it but I knew how he would take care of it and I rather not deal with that.

Thankfully, Anthony and his friends had stayed out of my way. Ray as well. Though I would be lying if I didn't say Ray hadn't tried to speak to me. He tried texting me, I blocked his number. If I was walking down the hallway alone and he was coming my way I would practically run the opposite way, quickly. He wouldn't come near me when I was with my siblings, Javier or even Daisy. The last time he got near me with Daisy assuming she wouldn't do anything. He was slapped across the face by her as soon as he muttered a hello. She then proceeded to warn him to stay away or she would tell Vince and Javier.

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