Chapter 18

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"Morning Luke." I said as I watched his eyes flutter open. He began to get restless already.

"Did you stay here all night?" he said while wiping the sleep from his eyes. He slept pretty much all night but he kept tossing and turning.

"I did." I had a pretty rough sleep that night. But I wasn't going to let him know. Staying in the hospital is bad enough but when you're sleeping on a hard chair in the hospital, it makes it even worse.

"Are they gonna let me out today? Am I better yet?" he said asking like a small child.

"They'll only let you out if you have someone to stay with-"

"Will you stay with me please please please. I hate it here." he said cutting me off.

"Only if you feel like you're ready to get out now."

"Yes I am you have to, I hate it so much here Julia." he said while staring blankly into space. "I just want to go home."

"I know you do Luke."

"Can you come over here and cuddle with me?" he said while pulling his infamous pouty face.

"The bed isn't big enough for two." I laughed.

"We can make it big enough." he said deadly serious.

I opened my arms and walked over to him. I sat at the top of the bed with him. Both in each others arms.


"Mmhmm?" he mumbled into the crook of my neck.

"Please never do that again, you really scared me."

"I was just thinking about what I did to you, I needed to punish myself and I thought that suicide was the only way out."

"But then you would have took your own life because of me Luke, that's one of my worst nightmares."

"What's the other one?"

"If I never met you." he had reshaped my life and I couldn't thank him anymore for what he had done for me.

"You know what I'm going to do when we get out of here. I'm going to go to the music store and buy a new guitar and then I'm going to take you out for that dinner I promised."

"Luke you have to rest."

"No! If you want me to be happy you'll let me do this. Please."

"Fine go ahead."


The doctor finally discharged us and we had to take a cab back to Lukes since I couldn't drive. And Luke didn't have his car and he was in no way stable enough to drive.

The cab dropped us off and I went up to get some money to give to the cab driver.

By the time I came back up from giving the cab driver the money Luke was already dressed and ready to go to the music store.


When we got there I could tell he fell in love with the first one he saw. It was a creamy white John Mayer Stratocaster.

"This is it. This is the one."

"You sure?"

He picked it up and started to play, when he got half way through the second chord I already knew it was What I Like About You by The Romantics.

He started to sing. To me.

My face changing a scarlet colour with embarrassment. His voice was something I would want to hug forever because it was very softly flowing. There's just something I love about it.

We told one of the shop assistants that it was this one we wanted and they brought another one out from the back. He handed over the money and the cashier handed the guitar over in exchange.

We walked out of the store with hands laced together and Luke with the biggest smile on his face. Obviously very proud with his purchase.

"Hey there's a park near by can we go?" he asked getting all excited.

"Yeah I guess."

"Come on!"


When we got to the park we found and empty space of grass to sit down on once we got comfortable we lay back. Us both now looking uo at the clouds. Luke started to intertwine our hands. Both of our bandaged arms now touching.

We turned our heads to face each other. We ended up staring deeply into each others eyes almost like we were reading on anothers mind.

"Promise?" I said holding out my pinky.

"Promise." he said while linking them together and pulling it to show that our promise was unbreakable.


( A / N : I can't thank you guys enough for reading be sure to vote and comment pLUS ARE YOU GUYS SHIPPING JUKE)

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