Chapter 10

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My parents weren't ones to worry about where I was, they didn't really care, I go probably go missing and it would go unnoticed.

"You know where the living room is."

I decided that my bag was probably better in the living room than it was by the door. I walked into the living room and sat down on the sofa. Luke turned the T.V on for me and then walked out. I ended up watching adventure time for around twenty minutes when Luke returned with a tray of something.

He put it in the table in front of me.

"I hope you like Disney movies Nutella and pizza."

I looked up at him and started to laugh quietly to myself.

"Get comfy we'll be here for a while."

We started to pick at what was on the plate. Watching movie after movie. We had watched around 5 and then I checked the time. It was 9:30, I had received around 5-10 texts from my mum asking where I was. She told me that she and my dad were going out of town for a week.

"Luke I better go its getting late."

"Are you're parents home?"

"Uh no. Why?"

"I'm not letting you leave till they get back."

"They're not getting back till next week."

"Looks like you're stuck with me then."

"You mean I'm staying here?!"

"Well yeah, I don't want you to stay home by yourself."

"But you do it all the time."

"It's different."

"I don't have anything to wear though."

He turned around mumbling something under his breathe then turned around to face me, grabbing my hand very delicately and walking me through to his room.

We walked inside and I leaned up against the door he went over to a white chest of drawers pulling them open fumbling through them till he pulled out something.

"I have these." he said while holding up a pair of boxers and a white vans tshirt, which was probably long enough for me to wear as a dress.

I stood there blushing uncontrollably not really sure why but I reached out for the items in his hands and then I started to walk towards the bathroom.

"You know you could get changed here."

"I don't think so." I yelled from the bathroom.

I got changed and walked out of the bathroom with the clothes I had just worn neatly piled on my forearms. To see Luke standing there smirking.

"You have to stop that."

"Stop what?" he said smirking once more.

"You do this thing where you smirk all the time and you have to stop."

"Oh like this." he said smirking again.

I walked away as he'd probably taunt me with it all night.


I turned around to face him.

"Do you want to go to McDonalds."

"It's like 11."


"Hang on I have to get changed again."

"No wait a minute." he went through to his room coming back with a pair of white soccer socks.


I put them on, they went surprisingly well with the Vans shirt. I slipped on vans and we went out.

We pulled up to the drive thru and he asked me what I wanted.

I asked for a chocolate milkshake and Luke got a cheeseburger.

Once we had got back to Lukes apartment we sat on the floor staring at each other for a good ten minutes at least.

I started to yawn a little ask I'd been up for at least 18 hours.

"Are you tired? Do you want to go to sleep? We can go to sleep if you want."

"A little yeah."

"Well come on." He said doing as he done before delicately taking my hand and pulling him into his room.

He pulled the covers off so we could go underneath them. I crawled onto the bed and propped myself up waiting for him to come in.

He walked over to the light switch to turn it off then returned back to me. He lay down and pulled me towards him so my back was firmly pressed against his chest.

He began to play with my hair twirling the strands of it as if it was the most interesting thing he'd ever seen.

Things went very quiet until he broke the silence.

"You look good in my clothes, you should wear them more often."



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