Chapter 15

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"I mean you don't have to say yes. " he said while walking closer to me and I walking back. "But I advise you do."

I now had my back flat against the wall. His chest not touching but close to my own. His arm was above my head on the wall.

He had to put his body at an angle to have his face directly in front of mine. His breath linguiring over my top lip. Trying to tease and make me as uncomfortable as possible.

"So." he said with a smirk spreading across his face. His hands wandering up and down my side.

"Luke-" I whined.


"Luke why are you doing this."

"Oh don't act like you don't like it."

I stood there not saying a thing and just staring into his eyes as if they were the most beautiful things I'd ever seen.

He moved closer to me his lips now on mine. He had never been like this towards me before. Apart from the time he pinned me up against the wall after P.E but that was it.

He seemed to have a problem for having things his way or no way. He was very forward also.

"Luke-" him now hushing me with another kiss. "Why are you doing this Luke."

"Because I want you and I know you want me. "

"Oh and how can you be so sure?"

"I see the way you look at me. The way you stare."

"You're an idiot."

"Ugh come on Julia you ruined the moment."

I giggled slightly as he seemed to be serious about this "Bad Boy" thing I  guess.

"You still haven't answered me."


"Come onnnnnnn."

"Maybe if you let me finish my sentence maybe I'll answer you."

"Wow no need to get all sassy."

"Maybe I just won't answer you." I said slipping out of his hold walking to the front door and picking up my skateboard on the way out.

"Julia are you kidding."

He walked out after me closing the door behind him, but by then I was half way down the street. I could hear footsteps bounding after me.

He was now running beside me. "Julia can you answer me? If you answer I'll take you out for pizza or something."

"You're such a dork. But since there is pizza involved."

"Yes no?"

"Of course it's a yes you idiot." I said stopping my board as soon as possible making him come to an abrupt stop.

He then without warning pulled me into his arms. "I like you a lot Julia."

"So about the pizza."

"You're an idiot." he said while pulling me into a tighter embrace.

"I like you a lot too."

Over and Over // Luke hemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now