Chapter 17

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We were now at the hospital and Luke still hadn't gained consciousness.

"Wake up Luke." I said shaking his hand gently. "You're going to be ok."

The paramedic driving the ambulance swung open the doors and they brought Luke out as fast as they could.

"You're going to have to go to reception and they will sort you out there." said one of the paramedics.

I nodded as I watched them run into the hospital with him. I now standing with my hand over my mouth standing in the pouring rain. Thinking about why he did this.

"What have I done." I muttered with my hands on my head while walking into the hospital.

I hated the hospital. When things got really bad. I tried and it didn't work, I hospitalised myself. Everything was a blur. White walls, white floors. White everything. You were treated as if you were deranged.

I approached the desk where a sleep deprived young woman was sat.

"Are you ok? Can I help you?"

"Uh yeah, a boy was just brought in, Luke Hemmings, the paramedics told me to come here and you could help me out."

"Hemmings, Hemmings, Hemmings." she said while typing away on her computer. "Ah Hemmings, here we go, what you'll want to do is go up the hall and take a left. There should be chairs there. Take a seat and someone will be out to see you." she said giving me a smile.

"Thank you." I said while returning the smile.

I found my way through the corridor and found the chairs that the lady was talking about.

I sat down but couldn't get comfortable. I couldn't stop thinking about why we were here. Me. It was my fault. If I didn't go to that party I would never have known what Luke did with Alice. I wouldn't have went for the box that had went untouched for four months.

If he does go tonight it will be my fault. In the short amount of time I've spent with Luke, its been the best weeks of my life.

As early as it may be to say this but I think I love him. His tall frame forever towering over my own. His arms always around my waist. Him taking care of my scarred wrists.

I sat there for at least 20 minutes thinking over all the things I had done with Luke. His smile the only picture going through my mind. A doctor then came out to speak to me.

"You're Julia?" he asked.

"Is he ok?" I said completely ignoring his question.

"He's in a critical condition, but he'll pull through. He's in there." he said indicating a room. "you can go see him if you like."

"I can?"

"Go ahead." he said while opening the door.

I saw him lying there with his eyes closed. His chest rising then falling. His quiff now flat on his head.

"Hi Luke. I told you you'd be alright."

I started to run my hands through his hair. Admiring him, his beautifully shaped face, his eyelashes that fanned out on his cheeks, his acne that he hated but I always secretly loved.

"I really do like you a lot too Luke."

His eyes started to flutter open, as he now scanned the room. "W-Where am I?"

"We're at the hospital."

"Why are we here what have I done?"

I placed a finger to his lips. Now hushing him with a kiss. "Nothing you have to worry about, just go back to sleep." I ran my thumb gently over his temples. His eyes now fluttering back shut at my touch.

"I love you Luke." I said with tears starting to brim my eyes.

"I love you too Rivera."

Over and Over // Luke hemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now