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     I smiled kindly at the boy at least I knew that someone like me, "Sure, I'll stay until my parents come." The boy pouted, but then put on his bright smile. This is so exciting, meeting this little boy. He was adorable, "So do you want to play a game?"

     "I don't know what do you want to play?" He sat down softly on my lap and smiled at me, "Can you just sing to me?" He asked. I smiled and nodded I began to sing some random songs.

     "Hey can you come with me?" He asked dragging me towards another door.

     "Why?" I asked kind of curious.

     "I want to show you my play room!" He exclaimed opening the door to what seemed like the basement. I followed him the boy was really adorable.

Jackson POV
     We sat around the living room waiting for hours for the Mark to come back. While the manger was pacing around the room I was thinking about what had happened earlier. Mark pulled me in for a kiss and I had to admit that I was actually enjoying it. I really didn't want it to stop, but I thought that he may have been still sleepy and I didn't want him to be embarrassed.

     "Where's Mark. He's supposed to be fixing the oven!" JB complained running a hand over his messed up hair, "Jackson weren't you going to wait for him?" BamBam asked this time. I glared at them, "Maybe he wouldn't have disappeared if you guys had treated him better!" I shouted angrily as I took off my shirt ready to fight.

     "Both of you stop fighting!" The manger exclaimed clearly angered, "Its both of your faults okay. JB you guys didn't even offer to say with him like true band members would do. Instead, you left him with Jackson. And Jackson you just left him there! How did you expect him to get home?" The manger exploded.

     I looked down ashamed and so did JB, "Um... can't you just track him through the phone?" Jinyoung asked. The mangers face brightens up and pulls out his phone before saying, "He's pretty far away form here, but we can find him. Everyone in the car!" He shouted.

Mark POV
     The boy lead me down the dark staircase, "Say do you have a spot light?" He asked. I nodded and grabbed my phone.

     "Is it normally dark down here?" I asked scared to proceed any further.

     "No the lights broke," he turned on the spotlight and looked down the stairs, "come!" He said grabbing my hand softly. I smiled and followed after him, "You know that your very good looking right?" The boy asked.

     "Yeah, am I really?" I asked as many of my fans have also told me that before. The boy nodded, "Yes, well your also very cute," I said squeezing his cheeks. He smiled, "your also really cute!" He exclaimed as we reached the bottom floor. It was a really bright room, "What do you like to eat?" He asked.

     "Juice is fine, thank you!" I said as he went and grabbed the juice out of the fridge. And he threw my phone on the ground before stomping on it, "what was that for!" I shouted at him. He gave me a death glare.

     "I'm tired of the way the others have been treating you and it's time to give them a lesson!" The little boy said throwing the broken pieces of the phone away. I smiled at the boy he was so kind.

     "It's fine it really is," I began trying to keep the tears from falling, "But there's no need. You could be accused of kidnaping and I don't want that. I'll deal with my problem alone," I pulled the boy onto my lap before patting his head softly.

     "I'll be leaving now here's my number if you need anything," I got out of the house as quickly as possible. Goodbye!

A/N: This was a long chapter. Don't forget to:

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