Coming to the end

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Chapter 27

I parked and picked up my phone to a person I never thought I would be calling.

" Hello?" his voice threw chills through my body.

" Chris? I'm In. I need an out, and I mean today. I'm waiting for you at the country club."

" Okay, umm, I'm on my way right now. I'll see you there in five minutes" Chris sounded utterly confused, honestly I won't blame him.

" Great." I cut the phone, and marched all the way to the lodge. Scanning a room for one Dylan Ramon, and finally my eyes landed on a boy working the bar with a full cast on his arm as he showed it to a girl who was of course hitting on him.

"Ramon." I stated, and his face lifted and beamed in a smile. As I approached toward him the smile began to disappear.

" Excuse." He said to the girl as he walked around the bar to me, fantastic less walking for me.

" You son of a bitch!" I spat drawing a attention from almost everyone in the lodge, man will this place have something to talk about.

" the girl was hitting on me, okay."

" Guess who I got the privilege of running into in my parking lot. Derek Kingsley! And had a whole lot more to say about what you told me then you did. Which is funny because I could have sworn you looked me in the eye and said you would not hurt me for the thousandth time. Like a classic idiot I fell for it, and believed you!"

" what did Derek tell you?" his voice got bitter,

" oh so there was more to the story, was I not worth the full version Dylan Ramon! Let me see, he happened to mention how you thought you could take matters in your own hands with my mom and well her "secret". So it must have been Idiot day because he did the same with my father. Now is there anymore disturbing details that I should yell at you about." Dylan went silent and just stared at me, blank face. Please tell me I'm wrong Dylan, please tell me that I do have someone trust in all this. His gaze dropped as he rubbed the back of his neck,

" I'm sorry." Was the only words that came out his mouth.

" You're sorry? That's it you're sorry? I mean at least Derek had the guts to say that he did it in the name of " not hurting me, or love". But you no... because you're Dylan Ramon and everyone is just collateral damage!"

" No, and you of all people should know that."

" Yes, you're right because all I've ever been was you're fucking collateral damage. But hear me now, and hear me clearly that stops today. I'm done with all things Dylan Ramon, and I mean this with every fiber of my being... I'm done with you."

"oh that's a relief my heart can finally take a break from the shit you've put it through." He looked at me coldly

" Don't you dare talk to me about heart break, you have no idea what I am going through."

" No ever does with you! But guess what honey I've had my share of bullshit going on too,"

"Oh I bet, what, you finally knock up a girl or maybe your penis stopped working." I threw my anger at him, I was done being stepped on by him. I was done with this playboy, my heart can't do it, not anymore. Dylan's face grew mad,

" That is all I'll I ever be to you, and to think......"

" you thought what!?"

"I thought you were different." He stared at me in disbelief, " you're just like as bad as all the girls I've met." Tears began to fall at the sound of the words as he stared more disappointed and hurt than I could truthfully digest.

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