"Yeah. Yup. Okay. Wait, What?"

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Chapter 2

" Hi, I am looking for a guy that was treated for a jellyfish sting a few moments ago." I said looking at the lady at the counter. Grant it, I had a hardcore argument with myself on whether to enter the hospital door. I'm positive an old man must have thought I lost all sense in the world, or thought I was amused by the automatic doors that opened and closed as I went through them.

" Are you friend or family?" she asked

" Um... I'm the one who called him in." I admitted,

" Oh okay, well you can go visit him. He is in the rooms down that hall." She instructed. Crap, what was my plan here? Was I supposed to bring flowers or something or was it chocolate for a dude?

" Is there anyway I can just leave a note? " I asked, less conversation and human interaction it was Andrea solution, plus any way to avoid an awkward situation.

" Yeah, here you go." She gave me a pen and paper.

" Thank you." I smiled and sat down. Fiddled with the pen figuring out what to write. Finally decided to go with the basic " get better, you're a survivor you can beat this," and the appropriate smiley face.

"Cabana girl?" voice called out and my head jerked up to face its source.

" I dearly hope that name doesn't stick." I got up and approached green shorts guy.

" What are you doing here?" he looked at me puzzled though a friendly smile that was still set on his face. He was quite an attractive guy, if I wasn't so utterly shock before I'm pretty sure I would've picked up on it. His pierced ears, with a few tattoos and sexy messy hairdo brunette, with his green eyes that sparkled with every smile, screamed WARNING HEARTBREAKER ROAD AHEAD!

" to be honest I don't even know, but I wanted to drop this note for your friend." I tried to avoid staring into those gorgeous eyes, as I handed him the paper. He looked at the paper and smiled then chuckled then looked at me and smiled.

" What!" I said now annoyed

" You made it sound like he was dying of cancer."

" No, I did not!"

" Yes you did, especially that part where you wrote " you can beat this you're survivor. " that is cancer talk right here." He pointed out as he hit me with his smile, and for the first time ever my heart started to flutter.

" Well, its hard to come with a phrase that covers "you idiot who told you to go where the jellyfish live, and ruin my favorite couch and scar me for life", and sound sympatric." I was annoyed that this gorgeous guy was making me feel guilty for a note I didn't even want to write.

" I think you nailed it," he smiled

" well you can deliver it, I'm going to drown myself in some hardcore ice cream therapy to get this day out my head." I gathered my stuff

"your strange girl you know that." He smiled

" well I'm not to use to situations emotionally scarring like this, and by this I mean human interaction." I clarified but all it did was broaden his smile.

" Hold on a minute," he came closer and whisper " you mean to tell me you are an alien!?" the smile plastered on his face made it so hard not to smile with him.

"Imma what?!" I narrowed my eyes

" You know UFOs, coming to take over our planet." He explained, making me more annoyed, this dude thinks he's a smartass! Well pretty boy, not today.

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