"What's happening?"

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To all readers ****CAUTION!!! ***** Don't Copy. (OR I SWEAR I SHALL HUNT YOU DOWN!!) but in all honesty its just respectful not to do it. So don't! This is my first book and I am experimenting, so my grammar is very much questionable. Plus, I started this book a long time ago.  If you can overlook that, kudos to you!  There are cuss words here and there for spice, and some intimate scenes so... calm your horomones! Besides that enjoy. :) Depending on how this goes I'll try and release better ones ( fingers crossed).. and once you make it through the first three or four chapters of this book its pretty much an interesting read.

***I'll try and add songs to set the scene, but so far Electric Guest is looking promising****


 Dear my viewers of this blog

Life is actually funny, if you look at it in the right way. Especially, when it gets to a point you have to give God a standing novation for coming up with this stuff. Let me just say, this is one of those moments. Before you continue reading this isn't some clique book you can find on most bookshelves with all predictable endings. Don't get me wrong some of those books make you feel good about yourself; almost like your life is complete knowing the characters end up together under the stars. Or in depressing matters the characters die in each others arms, (cough) The Notebook—(cough cough). Lets just say I am realist, before all of you who have read and watched every Notebook version to ever exist pull out your claws, calm yourself. Trust me, the last thing I want to do is kill all delusional dreams you might have of somehow being the next Mrs. Ryan Gosling. Now that's cleared up, if you haven't guessed I'm not that big on romance anything. Truth be told I have been caught one to many times with a book or two in that genre in my hand, mainly because I can't stop reading them. Honestly, who would want to pass up a romance comedy like The Last Song, my thoughts exactly! Now that I have prepared you for what your about to read, I'll give you last warning I tend to be a pessimist.  

Andrea <3 

Chapter 1

The California heat was something that I could never get use to, and that says a lot seeing as I've been around. I'm talking Egypt and Dubai heat torture is what my body was currently experiencing. What made it worst was that for some profound reason I chose today to go to the beach. For those wondering why that is, let me educate you. During any heat wave of the state, its like the whole population of California appears on the coast line to get their tan on, their surf on, have the kids play castles and bury the villagers, have a barbecue going and in most cases swim. During this time most fish have seen more leg action then some swim pools, and unfortunately most razors. The beach is like moths to a light, and it seemed like I was the only one wondering how the hell I ended up here. As far I was concerned I just wanted to finish my Shine trilogy in peace (no pun intended, that is legit what the book is called). Fortunately for me, my situation could be worse. I could be stuck closer to the shore like a loser caught up in the tornado of social chatter, sand ditches, burnt beef and waves constantly roaring like this is some kind of parade featuring The sound of water. I was safely cozied up in my cabana facing toward the chaos on the beach. I have my parents to thank for that, and today I have never been so grateful for this safe haven. It wasn't the smallest cabana but it wasn't the biggest either, it was perfect. I have a sofa with pillow and blankets, serving for pure comfort. A fridge in the corner, and bathroom on the other end of the cabana; which was pretty spacious according to me, then my priceless record player near my couch playing nothing but the best of Frank Sinatra. The rest was all designer stuff my mother put in to make it look classy and homey. It was the spiting image of comfort, and it actually at times felt like a paradise if people weren't at the beach, like now. I got up, throwing off my favorite blanket off my legs exposing my legs my shorts barely covered.

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