"Pasta-Girls... girls and pasta"

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Chapter 18

It was almost lunch and was starving! I had filed papers the size of skyscrapers and I had only finished one stack out of the six in the mini desk I had. I graduated high school do this, wonderful, but apparently this counts as community service, the colleges better love this. Karen on the other desk was blankly looking at her computer screen, she had been working here for 15 years. Her oldness and hatred for the people and job was quite amusing; we really bonded.

" How's it going Karen?" I smiled, knowing the answer to that, this work was driving her crazy, if not killing her.

"I hate school paper work." She said coldly, " In my day, we had five people do this. These assholes have a bag of wrinkles and a teenager doing this work, budget cut my ass." She added looking over her retro glasses hanging low on her nose.

"Why are they now deciding to make all this documentation virtual now?" I asked not really caring for the answer.

" To try and get rid of my colossal ass, well good luck hippies." She said plainly, bringing a huge smile on my face.

"Miss Williams?" a man walked up to my desk.

" Yes." I smiled a service smile.

" Can I pull you out of your work, for a moment." He asked, his deep voice and gray hair, young features and knitted sweater. This must me a history teacher, I assumed.

" Is there something wrong?" I looked at him worried as I got out my chair.

" Don't give in Andrea, they are coming for all of us one by one." Karen warned, but she always said that every time I was called by the administration, usually it was just for more work or errands, I doubt I was being fired.

"I'll keep strong Karen." I laughed and the man escorted me to the main hallway.

" Miss Karen, I heard you had finished the AP US History with the highest score on the exam two years ago." He said quite impressed, I could feel my face going red with embarrassment.

" its not a big deal, it's a great subject." Lies, that class was a pain in my ass and I just wanted to be done with it.

" Well our teacher had a last minute emergency, and we desperately need a substitute teacher for this period before lunch." He said plainly

" Me? You want me? To teach an AP class?" I looked at him dumbfounded

" I heard you also run the tutoring center, right now you are our best bet." He said smoothly.

"Um mr.." I dragged waiting for him to fill in the blank.

" Hanson." He said directly

" Mr. Hanson, I really am not qualified to teach a AP class." I stated my case, plus I was not in the mood.

" Well your reputation says otherwise, and really they already have work so its just you monitoring just for today." He looked at me eagerly.

" Do I get the lunch from the staff lounge?" I asked sheepishly. The school food was crappy junk food, but what the staff got to eat was the real deal. I wanted in on the deal.

" I can make that happen." Mr. Hanson laughed

" Okay, I'll do it." I smiled, seeing this going horribly south.

" Great, follow me to the class so can get settled in before they file in for the next period," he began to speed walk down the hall. What the hell have I agreed to, I followed up as he talked about the painful experience of him trying to find people to sub for this class. I mean I was touched that I was his last resort for this situation.

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