"Fill in the blanks"

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Chapter 15

" Andrea get up." A voice repeated. I groaned, "Andrea get up, or else." I groaned in response. A few seconds later the begging stopped, and I smiled and continued dreaming. My body was aching but I was not about to get up, I was way too tired to care. We had been trying to pump the bed all night, then all sudden lights off for me. I honestly don't even remember if we finished or not I was too tired to care then and too tired to care now. All of suddenly a wave of cold hit me, and I jerked up awake screaming. I was soaking wet, my brain was trying to register what happened. I looked up to Dylan, who was dying of laughter.

" WHAT THE HELL!!!" I yelled

" I have been trying to wake you up for 30mins." He said plainly

" so you dump water on me!" I was officially pissed, never and I mean never have been woken up in such juvenile way! This guy was really pushing all the buttons,

" I was desperate.. I'm late for work." I shot him a cold look,

" I'm going to kill you one of these days." I said getting up from the floor. Wait, what the hell am I doing on the floor?" What happened to the air mattress?" I looked down at the very deflated sheet I was currently on.

" it deflated."

" No kidding genius, why?"

" turns out the old thing had holes, so when we slept it... poof! Deflated." He smiled.

" we slept on the same bed? together? During the night?" Trying to make sense of everything, then I checked to make sure my clothes were still on. Yup, still drenched in Dani's pjs, superb.

" Guess we did." He gave an evil smile. I was mentally screaming, this wasn't supposed to happen. He most probably shirtless the whole time too, oh shit what if I said something idiotic. Why me? Why do these things have to happen to me?

"Don't get use to it." I shot at him, still drenched. " I'm going to change."

" No we don't have time, I'm late." He said

"For what?" I spun around

" Work."

" I'm not going out like this!"

" Today you are, because I'm not going to be fired today." He walked toward me.

" No, I'm not. Now..." before I could continue, Dylan lifted me off the floor and threw me over his shoulders. " DYLAN RAMON put me down right now!" I yelled beating his back.

" Nope, now lets go." He said walking through the house with me yelling and kicking, literally. We got into the car, and he locked me in the passenger seat. I sat there dripping wet and pissed as hell. He started the ignition and drove to the country club in silence.

" Do you always sleep like that? Because that was impressive." he smiled, I looked at him and stuck my tongue out, and went back to pouting. " Wow, I'm already getting tongue action after our first night together, I'm honored." He teased; I shot him a cold look.

"Don't worry it will be our little secret, I know we're not exclusive yet." He continued rambling,

" I will literally jump out of this car." Looked out the window serious tempted, and then I remembered he had locked it. I rolled my eyes,

" Good luck with that." He laughed, " Just to let you know I'm totally cool if last night was a last night stand." He smiled

" you are disgustingly self-conceited, delusional, and the biggest doushbag this world has ever seen." I stated

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