Chapter Four

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"And hurry up!" The guard huffed.

The door slammed behind me with an ear-shattering bang. I sighed and shed my cloak, throwing it into the bubbling water. I stripped off my clothes and did the same.

Our bath wasn't scheduled until another couple of weeks, but since the Eastern Sector Royals were arriving today, we needed to look presentable.

Or at least as presentable as possible.

The bathing cavern wasn't especially big. There was only enough room for the warm spring that flooded the middle and the rock that surrounded it. There was a smooth glass-like surface that stretched across one if the sides of the little cave, a natural mirror.

I hesitantly unwrapped the bandages that covered my back. The medic commanded that I return to him as soon as possible after my bath so thy he could redo the bandages, but for now, I could finally see them.

I laid the used bandages to the side and braced myself. I wondered what my Mark would look like, but I was afraid of it as well. It tied me to a human...someone who very could hate me for-

I shook myself. Damn Cambridge for getting his nonsense ideas into my head. I took a deep breath to steady myself and turned around, craning my neck back so I could see.

I couldn't breathe for about ten seconds.

It was large, my Mark. My skin was still a bit red and irritated and I could see ridges along the edges where my skin had split , but other than that, it was fine.

The swirls where delicate and a deep black color. Probably darker than my own ebony hair, which had grown a few inches past my shoulders. The swirls started a few inches below the nape of my neck and spread all the way to my side, breaking off where my Tamer's would continue on her own body.


But yes, it just had to be a girl. As I studied my Mark I just knew it. It was something in the hard yet delicate design...

I took off my mask and laid it to the side. I touched my mark and then my face. It's been so long since I've seen my face. My face was still round, but a bit more angular. My eyes still glowed an inhuman green. I could see the sadness in my own eyes...but a hope.

I turned away from the mirror, smiling to myself. I would find her. Somehow I would find her.

I turned to the spring and dipped my foot into the water, bracing myself against the scalding temperature. I lowered myself until I was standing completely straight in the spring, my shoulders nearly submerged. I scrubbed myself, not surprised at the amount of work it took to get rid of my semi-permanent layer of dirt.

My skin slowly started turning a pale white, with irritated red highlights from scrubbing so hard. I sunk beneath the rippling water a couple of times to get my hair and face covered and tried to clean them too. Although I suppose my face was a bit of a loss cause since no one could see it.

I let myself just soak in the hot water as long as I could and tried to relax my clenched and sore muscles.

There was a bang on the door. "Time is up 96!" Cam's voice called through the door.

I sighed and started to get out, digging my clothes out with me. I set them on the rock to the side to dry. That's how the maids did our clothes but we were asked to do it ourselves when we bathed.

Cam opened the door and threw some dry clothes on the floor and a small cloth for me to dry myself with. I dried myself off as well as I could and picked up the dry clothes. The maids would get everyone's wet ones when they went on their rounds.

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