Chapter Two

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"Would you quit? I'm working," I hissed at 78.

She quit tugging on my cloak and let her hand drop. "All you're doing is standing outside this door," 78 whined, pouting.

"I'm waiting for Royal Zecharia to come out. He is getting ready to preside over the commons area."

78 groaned. "And then all you're going to do is stand there too!"

I wanted to slap her. Ever since she had gotten her Purpose read she's been a terror. Complaining about everything being so boring when before she would just accept it and go on. These past ten days had been torture. All because her Purpose was "special". She was going to become Royal Julia's head servant one day and she would be mated to some male, baby faced Zero with grey skin and a tail and she would get pregnant and have her baby boy right in her very cell.

That's special.

"Gods, if this was the future I would be-"

I snapped. "78, shut up! Just shut up! I can't listen to you another second. Just go away, and leave me alone," I growled.

78's ears drooped. I rolled my eyes at her. Even though her body was wolf-like, although she didn't have a tail, she could not pull off the "puppy dog eyes". They had no effect on me.

"Sorry, she muttered as she stalked away, picking up her broom and resuming her forgotten duty to sweep the floors.

I watched her go without a regret. My headache was finally ebbing away. I sighed. Maybe I did regret yelling at her a little. She was just a kid who had a future. A family.

Something I would never get.

All you'll ever have is the blood you've spilled. You're nothing but your number, 6005396.

I wrapped my arms around myself, trying to get rid of the empty feeling that had appeared. All I wanted was somebody who would, who could, love me. Someone I could be with, someone I could touch without knowing they would die within the next three seconds. I was crushed when my birthday passed and I wasn't marked. I mean, I knew it wouldn't happen, but some part of me still wanted it to.

78 was lucky. She didn't have to worry about finding her Tamer because she didn't have a power that somebody could have an immunity to. All 78 could do was move faster than anybody I've seen. She didn't have super speed per say, but she was extremely fast.

Since she didn't have a Tamer, she could search for a mate within the Zeroes. Fall in love and have her bubbling baby boy.

I was jealous. I had hoped someone could withstand my touch and stay alive, but of corse, I never have good luck. And no Zero wants to mate with someone who they can't even touch or...well... mate with.

I turned and nearly punched the wall. I stopped myself before I did. My wounds on my hands and neck had already healed and I didn't want another one. Broken knuckles would be unpleasant.

"Are you alright?"

I mentally slapped myself and turned to face Royal Zecharia. I did the customary sign of allegiance and recited the tired words," Loyalty to my Royals."

I heard Royal Zecharia sigh. "Rise. Now, answer my question. Don't dodge it like you always do."

I rose to my feet and pulled my hood up. "Yes, sir. Perfectly content." I nodded at him so he would begin to move and I could follow him.

Royal Zecharia stayed where he was. He ran a tan hand through his dark brown hair. "Are you sure? You've been acting...different since your birthday. Depressed, I might say."

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