Chapter Six

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"For fucks sake." Meljar growled in annoyance. "Could they have made more of a mess?"

Amira clutched her skirts in her hands, sashaying past me. "Do you think you can move it?"

"Most certainly not. But girlie might be able to." Meljar peered around Amira at me.

I growled. "Call me girl or girlie one more time and I will kill you." I brushed past him, trying in vain not to notice how Amira flinched away from me, and pushed against the pile of rocks. The miniature blockade they had formed gave way and tumbled onto either side of the hallway. "What could've come through here to do that?"

"Dissidents." Without another word, Meljar continued forward.

I eyed the break in the wall. It was a good think the palace was built with support structures or this whole hallway may have collapsed.

Amira started after Meljar, and I followed her, fighting the ache in my chest. Did she feel this pain too? How was she handling it so well?

"I hope you know what you're gettin' yourself into, girl."

I bristled but relaxed once I realized he was speaking to Amira.

She didn't take that so kindly either. "I am a Royal. You will address me as such."

Meljar laughed out loud. Who the hell was this guy? "I want to know where you're really from," I snapped at him.

He waved a dismissive hand at me. "That'll come later," he sniffed as we reached the hallway that led to Royal Zechariah's room.

"I'm only keeping you alive to find my Royal. You have some kind of hand in all of this."

"That I do. That I do. I don't think you'll be trying to kill me anytime soon, though. Right, Zechariah?" Meljar called out.

Royal Zechariah appeared at the curve of the hallway. "I thought I instructed you to leave her out of this," he said, nodding at Amira.

I paused. "Sir?"

"She wanted to come. What did you want me to do, fight 'er? Eesh," Meljar spat to the side. "I don't have time for that and neither do you, if you want to get this done clean."

Royal Zechariah sighed and ran his hands through his hair. "I apologize. To both of you. But, now neither of you can return. We must go."

"My lord, what is happening?" I stepped forward and instantly felt the pain of my Mark double. I leaned away from Amira, panting, annoyed at my stupidity. "Sir, what did you do?"

"You're with them!" Amira gasped. "You're a traitor to your own Sector! To all of us!"

Royal Zechariah swept down the hall and promptly covered Amira's mouth. "Hush! I didn't want anyone hurt. But yes, to you I am a traitor. And I'd rather be a traitor than be a Royal."

No. Oh no. "Sir, you're going to get yourself killed!"

"I know," he said. Simply and without emotion. "But this was all I could think of to do, and when Meljar came here speaking of the Dissidents-"

"All right, all right, we don't have time for this! This place is going down sooner than you think. Move it or my ass is the only one getting out of here!"

Royal Zechariah grabbed Amira's hand, dragging her unwillingly down another path, leading directly to the Zone. I was so shocked I watched all three of them disappear into the dark corridor before I followed.

Rogue(Discontinued)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz