
"You're a pretty cool kid," whispered Luke in my ear that night. My mum and brother were downstairs while Luke and I sat in my bedroom watching bunches of old 80's movies, because honestly, there was nothing else better to do. "You know that?" With his fingers tracing patterns on the bare skin of my back, I couldn't have asked for a better moment than this. And I guess that I was a pretty cool kid.

"I do know that," I answered smugly. He withdrew his hand from my lower back and set it on my waist so he could pull us both down onto the bed from our upright position.

"You wanna know something else? I bet you don't know it already," he mumbled softly and edged closer to me. "I never ever felt this way with my other girlfriend." I could hear the pain in his voice, but then again, my heart jumped at what he had said to me. "With you," he started again with a drowsy voice. "I feel like I can't breathe."

"Are you going all sappy on me?" I asked with a devil-like grin on my face.

"I'm feeling really sappy right now," he explained. "Just go with it."

"Okay," I giggled, feeling his nose brush mine. I didn't even realise we were that close to each other. Weird.

"I think," he paused. "You're the most beautiful, nicest, and most understanding girl I've ever met, and that I'm so fucking lucky to have you. Don't judge me because I'm being emotional with my words, or I've been emotional with my words- lately. It's probably not going to happen again, so don't get used to it."

I grinned and rested my forehead against his.

"Is there a reason why you always add 'fucking' in front of the word 'lucky'?" I asked.

"It emphasises the fact that... wait for it," he breathed, stopping for a dramatic effect. "I'm so fucking lucky to have you. And we've been laying here for a few minutes without either of us kissing the other, I'm kind of proud of our self-control."

"It's running out, so if you have to say anything, go ahead," I whispered. Marty McFly's voice was in the background, giving advice to his dad, younger George. Even though this was one of my favourite movies, for the first time in forever, I wasn't paying attention.

"My thoughts just drag on to what I said before, honestly," Luke lightly laughed. "Kissy time!" he made kissing sounds with his lips, obviously not expecting me to actually go with what he said, but I did. His hand ran up the side of my arm, all the way up to my cheek so we could be as close as possible while we kissed. Luke's lips tenderly pressed against mine, although it was soft at the same time.

I missed this. I missed the cute moments we used to share in the past months. I missed feeling the warmth of his hugs and passion of his kisses, I just missed him.

And it wasn't even that long.

But then I thought about back at the bookstore, how he was so scared that I would be mad at him for what he had done. I kept saying; how could I possibly be mad at him for his past? The thing was, I did feel anger. He hit her. He hit his ex-girlfriend and truthfully, it did nag at me, no matter how much I liked him.

I had too many mixed feelings that it made me so sick to my stomach, I had to stop. I just had to.

"Hey, Paige, are you alright?" Luke asked me and grabbed both of my shoulders to pull us apart a little bit. I couldn't answer, I didn't want to, so I shook my head. "What is it?"

"I don't know," I muttered. "It's all too right. You and I. We're so young. Why does it feel so right?" That wasn't the main point of why I was worried, but I had to tell him something.

"Because we're fools," he answered. "That's my only answer."

"We are fools; aren't we?" I smirked, instantly feeling better.

"Come on baby we ain't gonna live forever," he sang. "Let me show you all the things that we could do, I know-"

"Uh, no you're not serenading me with The Veronica's," I interrupted and set my finger over his lips.

"Who said I was serenading you?" he asked me with his eyebrow raised. A smile grew on his face when he took my finger from his lips and laced our fingers together from that. "Is it Friday?"

I nodded.

"Good," he whispered, drawing himself closer. "John is out of town again and Maggie probably doesn't care where I am."

"She probably cares a little bit," I insisted but Luke shook his head.

"I don't wanna talk about this right now," he mumble sadly.


"Hey, you, get your damn hands off ... her," said Luke along with George.

"I think you got the wrong car McFly," I replied, smiling.

"George, help!" Luke yelled in the girliest voice possible. "Paige?" he asked.


"When I do ask you to be my girlfriend; would you say yes?" I didn't really hesitate, but I did think a little. I ended up smiling again, though.

"I would," I said, resting my head on his chest. A second later, his arms wrapped around me to hold me close.

"When is the right time?" he asked himself. "Now or later?"

"Whatever feels comfortable for you," I whispered and felt myself slowly drifting to sleep.

"Maybe I should just pick up my balls and ask you already," he joked. I chuckled a little at the feeling of his chest vibrating because of his laugh.

"You shouldn't feel pressured," I said.

"That's the thing, Paige, I don't think I do anymore. I feel like all the worry I had before I told you everything is gone." I smiled brightly, even though he couldn't see it.

"That's awesome," I softly said, still smiling. He chuckled once again and pressed a small kiss to my head.

"Don't fall asleep on me," he whined a second later. "I still have things to talk about."

"Like what?" I looked up at him.

"Like, um, well, yeah I don't know," Luke laughed. I didn't respond, but I kept looking at him. I looked at his eyes. I looked at his nose. I looked at his lips. He had many flaws, but god dammit, he was absolutely perfect. None of us said another word before we began leaning in. It felt like ages before his velvety lips met mine, and they began moving in sync.

I didn't want to focus on how bad this was straining my neck.

His hands slipped down from my back to my waist so he could get a better grip on me, while I set my hand on the back of his neck, just under where it reached his head. Soon enough, I was running my hand softly through his hair and tugging it a bit, earning a throaty moan from him to which I smiled. I did it again, and his kisses were tense.

"Shit, if you do that again, I swear to-"

"Shh," I whispered, kissing him before he could say anything else. "I know your weak spot now."

"Oh, shut up," he groaned.

"It seemed like you liked it," I grinned. The shade of Luke's cheeks burned a bright pink in the dull lighting of the room. We could both barely hear Marvin Berry sing "Earth Angel" on the movie, and I felt like the moment couldn't have been any perfect.

"I'm not afraid of being with you like I used to be," Luke murmured.

"What does that mean?" I asked, laying my head back onto his chest.

"Um," he said quickly. "Well, um," he took a deep breath before saying, "do you wanna be my girlfriend?"



your comments made my day(s) and I just can't even right now.

Have I mentioned how much I love you guys?


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