"I swear it's possessed."

"How could he? I mean DETENTION for a week?" I moaned walking towards the lunch room in complete misery.

"Well that's your own fault babe you should'nt have tried to throw a shoe at me." Kira looked at me smugly before walking towards our table. Muttering a "I'll put my boot up her ass next" I walked to the lunch line for food. I waited patiently then when it came to my turn grabbed my food and went to pay, but I never got the chance. A masculine hand paid the lunch lady before I could even get a word of protest in, when I looked up to see who it was I was not surprised to see Tyler.

"What do you want?" I said impatiently tapping my foot on the floor.

"I-I came to apologise again." He said rubbing the back of his head and looking down at the floor.

"What for? Being a complete twit or just an all together asshole?" I replied angrily gritting my teeth.

"I deserve that, but I was'nt myself okay! I really like you and I never really like girls as much as I like you and I acted like that because I like you! Am I making any sense?" He asked huffing in frustration.

"Yeah you really like me and really like me. Got it." Rolling my eye's I turned to walk away when a hand shot out in front of me blocking off my escape route.

"Please don't go, I'm sorry okay!" He said looking at the floor. Even though he acted like a major ass I have to forgive him. This had to be the only way to get rid of him anyway.

"I forgive you." I said simply before moving his arm and walking back to the table and eating my lunch in silence while everyone chatted away around me.

After school was a nightmare. Mr Crow showed no mercy and made me write 'I will not throw shoes and blame it on the sheep' a hundred times on the board. Well screw him cause he's the one that's going to have to clean it all up after, when he left I changed the pen and used permanent marker. Ha.

Smiling to myself in satisfaction I made my way to my car happy to be able to finally go home, ignore my Grandma, and run upstairs to bed. I was shattered. I finally reached my car across the lot and went to unlock my door when a fake manicured hand snatched my key's from me. Looking up ready to tell them off I stopped when I saw it was Megan the mean ass bitch, I was curious to see what she wanted so I waited for her to speak.

"I see you have your claws in Tyler." She stated simply. I think she noticed I was confused when I gave her a look like she was crazy.

"I know your trying to get him. So if I were you I would back off because he's mine and I don't share my things." Again she said this as if it was the most normal thing in the world to say. She's lost her marbles I think. All that fake tan has gone to her barbie brain.

"I don't know what your talking about and I honestly don't care, but if you ever threaten me again I will scrub every bit of make up off your face, I don't care how long it takes, I will then take pictures and proceed to post them all over the school so everyone can see you are actually a troll in disguise. So if you don't want that to happen piss off." I replied nonchalantly looking her straight in the eye trying to get the message clear. She looked just about ready to explode actually, taking an angry step towards me she raised her finger and pointed in my face.

"Why you little bitch! Ever insult me like that again I will-" I cut her off when I threw my water bottle all over her and getting some tissues out, I took a step forward to start scrubbing her face. She threw her hands up in front of her screaming "YOU MAD BITCH." She ran off once she noticed her top was ruined and all her make up was running down the front of it, personally I think it's a step towards improvement.

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