Chapter 2

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If I ruled the world, I wouldn't allow stupid people to walk around my atmosphere. It's just something about stupid people that makes me angry, I guess that's why I don't like too many folks. Someone always had to go and show me what kind of a jackass they are, and that made me break off any kind of friendship I had with them. Sometimes though, stupid people amaze me, and I just can't seem to break away from them. My example is Kelly Rowland, the smartest stupid person out there, if that makes any sense at all. See, Kelly had a way of doing shit that no one else would ever think of, even if it was the simplest shit ever. She had a different way of thinking than most people did, and I think that's what makes her smart. Her stupid side comes from everything else she does. That's why she's both things at once.

Today was the day that all our hard work was gonna pay off, and there was no doubt about it. Today was the day that we made Beyonce and Shawn an official couple. We've been planning this for the past week, and we've got everything ready to go. Bleek was supposed to bring Shawn to a party that we're throwing tonight at this club in New York. Kelly and I were in charge of bringing Beyonce to a party that Shawn was throwing tonight at the same club. See how smart we are? Oh the genius minds we have. If the plan fails, Bleek and I decided to just blame Kelly for it and live our life with the little guilt we will feel from doing it.

I walked into Kelly and Beyonce's apartment and knocked on each of their room doors. "We have two minutes before we are officially late. The end point of being late is five minutes, and right now we're three minutes behind schedule. In two minutes, we will officially be considered late, come on girls!" I yelled. Both doors opened and they stepped out wearing the same thing I was wearing.

"Are you kidding me?" Kelly said looking at us.

"I was saving this for a special night where I had nothing else to wear, and you two decide to wear it as well?" Beyonce said.

I just stood there, they were not gonna go change now! I don't care. "Whatever, people are used to seeing us all dressed the same anyways, let's just go!" I grabbed both of them by their arms and dragged them outside. We got into the limo and I locked the doors. "Now, if we just stand a couple feet away from each other all night, I'm pretty sure we can avoid the moment when everyone points out we're dressed the same." I said. They both shook their head. Big deal, they'll get over it. We got to the club and went inside right away, making our way to the VIP lounge.

"Hey, look who it is, the party throwers!" Shawn said. Beyonce looked at me and Kelly and we both looked the other way.

"The what?" Beyonce said. I pushed Kelly towards her and she just smiled.

"Um, see, what had happened was, we wanted you to go out and we knew this would be the only way so we told you that Shawn was throwing the party but then we had Bleek tell him we were throwing the party because we wanted both of you to be here tonight and realize that you both want to be together and you don't want the other person to be with anyone else so please don't hate us, and if you do, hate Michelle more kuz I've been your friend for a longer time than she has." Kelly said all in one breathe. Even I was amazed that she could get that all out.

"Whoa whoa whoa, slow down. You tricked us into coming here?" She asked. We both nodded our head slowly. "Shawn, do you hear this?" She said turning in his direction.

He got up and walked over to us, dragging Bleek with him. Bleek stood next to me and Kelly. I think we all wanted to just disappear at the moment. I thought we would have more time before we got busted. "Whose idea was this?" Shawn asked. Bleek and I pointed to Kelly and she pointed to both of us with two hands.

"What? You dirty people!" She yelled. I just lowered my head and laughed. "So what were you trying to accomplish?" Beyonce asked.

"We wanted you guys together; we wanted to be a happy family. Please don't break us up, please!" I said.

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