Chapter 4

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Just like I thought back in the car, this nigga has gone insane. Throughout the whole meeting he just kept smiling, and no one said anything worth smiling over. That girl did something to his ass, and I was grateful. This is what I wanted to see from him earlier, I'm glad someone was able to help me push him in the right direction.

"I'm ready, let's bounce."

I followed him to the elevator as we went down to the car. See, I was staying with him for the week because I was having some plumbing done at my place. He offered me a room, so I took it. "I like our little sleepovers, don't you?" I said laughing. He just shook his head. That meant yes in his world. "So you gonna call the number?" I asked as we got out the car and walked into the house.

"Iono, I don't even know whose number I have."

I understood that part; I would be scared shitless too. I know he's scared, but I'm not gonna say it. What's the point? "Well, I'm sure her girls wouldn't give you a fake number. Come on, just try it." He shook his head and grabbed his phone. We both sat down on the couch as he slowly dialed. Finally, his eyes lit up.

"Yes, hi, this is Shawn Carter, I was wondering if I could speak to Mr. Mathew Knowles."

I almost fell off the couch. Was he crazy? Better yet, were her girls crazy? Giving him her dad's office number? Oh they are dirty.

"Hello Sir, you might not know me but my name is Shawn Carter, I'm part owner of Rocafella Records." He started nodding his head as if things were going good. "Well I actually called about your daughter sir, Beyonce."

I could tell the tone of her father's voice changed kuz Shawn's expression changed.

"Oh really? That would be great, thank you very much." He grabbed me by my arm and pulled me over to him. I didn't know what was going on, but then he unhooked my phone. He put in a number and then put my phone on the table in front of us. "Yes sir, no problem. Goodbye." He hung up his phone and we both just stared at mine. The number was right there, on the screen, looking back at us. "I guess I should call it now, he seemed cool with me asking for it."

I nodded as he punched the number into his phone. Slowly he raised it to his ear. "Do you man, I'll be in the other room." I wanted to give him space just because I knew he was already nervous, I didn't want to make him even more nervous. When I said space though, I really meant I was gonna hide out and listen to him. What's the point of staying in his house if I can't get into his business? Plus, if things go well, I might become friends with this girl, so I should get to know about her as soon as possible. Better now than never.


I was in the studio with the girls for another thinking process day, but things weren't going so well. Kelly swore up and down that she knew what she was doing and wanted to have some dumb ass drum come into one song, but Michelle and I refused. Yes, her stupid drum that she's been talking about since lunch. Speaking of lunch, I can't believe she gave Jay my dad's office number. I wanted to kill her for that, she had no right. As the feud continued between us, my phone started to ring. I looked at the caller I.D. and didn't recognize the number, so I stepped outside. "Hello, Beyonce Knowles speaking." I heard some weird breathing on the other end.

"Hey, this is Shawn."

Shawn? Was I supposed to know a Shawn? "I'm sorry, who?" I really had no idea who was playing games on my phone, but I didn't like it.

"Shawn, Jay!" He finally said, somewhat laughing.

I felt stupid, I should have known. "How did you get my number?" I asked in a state of shock.

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