Chapter 2

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You ever have that feeling like things are going so good, that you don't know how long it can last? There's always something that's gotta come into your sunshine and turn on the sprinklers. Well, I felt like that a couple of days ago, but now I don't. You know why? Kuz it's happened, so I don't have to think about it anymore. Let me tell you something, don't ever trust a celebrity. Yeah I said it, and what? It's the damn truth. All of them are just grimy people.

We were at some club two nights ago and it was some party for this Rocafella artist. Lord knows who it was for, I don't really care. I just came for the free food and drinks. Moving along with the story though, everything was all good until we realized Beyonce was missing. After doing some detective work, Michelle and I spotted her out on the dance floor with some punk looking dude. We're not known to judge people, but right off the bat I knew this guy was wrong for her. He wasn't Jay. He wasn't her dream guy, what the hell was she doing? So what does this have to do with celebrities being grimy? Everything. Beyonce doesn't want to fess up and say she's feeling Jay, so it's all screwed now. He saw her getting her groove on, he left with some girl, and then she got angry at him. This shit was her fault in the first place. I mean, from what I heard, he didn't do anything with the girl. My sources told me they split up in the parking lot and Jay went home with Bleek. I guess you're wondering who my source is, well I can't reveal that much, but I can say that this name is Bleek. Ah shut up, it's not that hard to figure it out by yourself. I didn't give you his full name, I just gave you the end part of it, and so I'm not doing anything wrong here. Like I said though, that night was a disaster. I don't even know what to do anymore, I'm out of ideas.

"Kelly, clean your shit up sometimes! Please, just once I would like to come home and not see shit all over the living room!"

Here we go again, a bitch fit. She's been doing this since the club. I wonder why, hm? "Shut your trap, I'm working on it." I pushed her out of the way and got my stuff. She has some nerve treating me like a child.

"Just move it, damn." She stormed off into her own room and slammed the door.

Oh I can't wait to move the hell up out of here and get my own place! I'm serious about that too; I'm already looking for a place. It's not just kuz of this little mood she's having, I think it's time for us to move on and live like real people our age. We're stuck depending on each other for so much, it's ridiculous. Michelle has it easy; she doesn't have to put up with the cranky pants lady unless we're on tour. She's living the good life I tell ya!

I was in the middle of cleaning my stuff when the doorbell rang, so I did what I thought was the right thing at the time, I threw all my stuff back on the floor in one pile. It looked okay if you ask me. I opened the door and then slammed it right back. This dude has some nerve. He started pounding on it and I eventually couldn't take it anymore, so I opened it back up. "What do you want?" I said placing my hands on my hips.

He just smiled. "I came to talk to Beyonce."

I rolled my eyes as her bedroom door opened.

"Hey Kenny, just have a seat, I'll be done in a few minutes." She flashed him her fake smile and went into the bathroom.

Yup, her fake smile, I knew this guy wasn't gonna be around for much longer. Thank the lord! He stepped inside the apartment and stepped over my pile of 'creativity,' as I like to call it, and sat on the couch. I took a seat right across from him in one of the lounge chairs. "So, where you guys going?" I asked. He looked at me and sucked his teeth.


That's such a middle school thing to say. He needs to grow the hell up. "Well I know you going out kuz you sure as hell ain't welcome in here for no longer than two minutes. Where will you be going once you're out?" He kept his mouth closed and his attention was on the ground. Oh I'm ready to sock him in the heart. "Fine, don't tell me, I'ma find out anyways. I could have told you if she would like it or not, maybe help you out. What if you take her to a place that she absolutely hates? How stupid are you gonna feel then, huh?" I jerked his way and got up.

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