Chapter 4

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Good old Vegas! I love this place; it brings back so many memories. Not mine personally, but like from movies and shows. Every time I go to Vegas, I point out new places that I've seen on TV.

As far as Beyonce knew, we were in Vegas for a magazine shoot that we couldn't have done any later. Kelly and I had set everything up with Bleek, so it's all good in both sides of the corner. Our girl was ready to go out there and have a fake photo shoot, and Jay was ready to go out there and end up in the wrong dressing room. Time for them to meet up. We had arrived at the arena two hours before the concert, so we went in through the back and there weren't many people there. Beyonce thought everything was normal, nothing to be suspicious about. As soon as we got her in the 'dressing room,' both of us started faking some kind of illness.

"I think I gotta go to the restroom." Kelly said holding her stomach.

"Ew, that's gross." Beyonce laughed and Kelly made her way out.

Okay, my turn to bounce now. "Ah snaps, I don't get service in here. I'm gonna step outside the door real quick and see if I get it there." She nodded and sat down on the couch as I quickly got outside.

Kelly appeared from behind a door and Bleek appeared from behind another one. "Jay arrived right now; he should be coming down the hallway at any moment, yall need to hide."

We nodded as we ran down the hall and Bleek stood by the door waiting for him. Kelly I stopped running and stood behind a wall, both of our heads sticking out. We kept our eyes on Bleek. Finally, Shawn had come.

"Right in there man." Bleek said. He opened the door and walked in, and that's when our plan went into action. Bleek grabbed the folding chair that was nearby and jammed it under the handle. Thankfully the door opened towards the outside and not inside. As soon as we thought we were in the clear, here comes Dame. Shit!

"Hey man, where he go?" I saw Bleek struggling to think of something to say.

"He said he needs some time to himself, to just let all the lyrics and shit get in his head. He'll be over there soon." Dame nodded and walked towards us. He passed us and eyed us both up and down.

"Ladies." He said smiling. We both smiled back and started walking towards Bleek.

"Ugh, I hate him." Kelly said. Bleek nodded.

"I know, trust me, I know."

We each took a seat on the floor and rested our backs against the wall. There wasn't anything else we could do at this time. I mean, our job is done; it's up to God now. We put two people who want to kill each other in the same room, what more could God ask for? This is the perfect situation for him. If both of them make it out alive I'm never missing another day of church in my life! Unless I'm sick though, but I can get a doctors note for that if I have to. That's how serious I am. No scratch that, that's how seriously mad they are at each other. Yup, kuz we all know I'm not serious.

"So, you think we have a chance of still being their friends after they realize we did this?" I asked.

Bleek pounded his head against the wall. "I don't care. We tried, and that's all that matters. Plus, we could all be each other's friends."

I laughed and closed my eyes. I hated playing the waiting game, it always took too long. I was not a person with patience; I was a person who wanted to get the hell up out of this hallway. We heard the doorknob jingling, so we all sat up.

"What the hell?" We heard Shawn struggling to open the door.

"Are you two friends again?" Kelly yelled. We heard laughter on the other end.

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