Chapter 1

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Here we go, another night, another dream. I really should get something to help me sleep better; I don't know how long I can put up with this. I guess I should be used to do it by now though, right? It's been three months since this dream first occurred, I need to get it out of my head soon, or I'm afraid I might go crazy. See, I have this problem, my mom says I just need to think of something else before I fall asleep, but I can't. When I lay down in my bed to sleep, I close my eyes and the same image pops up. Me and the man I have been longing for. I mean, it's not even a simple dream, it's full of details and dialogue, I almost feel as if it's real. I would love to make it real one day, lord knows I would, but I'm not sure how. I mean, I'm pretty sure I can't even come close to making it a reality, which would just be ridiculous. Dreams are one thing and one thing only, dreams. We have dreams because we know those events can never really happen to us. And I know this can never happen to me. I should just be happy that I at least have him for the night. This man seems impossible, he can't be real. No one is THIS perfect, right?


Tossing and turning, all night long. That seems to be the norm for me. I don't know what it is about sleeping, but my body just doesn't seem to like it. I'm just like every other person; I do everything the same, so why can't I have a normal night for a change? Every time I get into my bed, I pray that my reoccurring dream somehow leaves my head, but I know that I'm praying for way too much. I've been having this dream for a couple of months now, and I can't figure it out. In the dream, I seem to be the happiest man alive, with the most beautiful woman by my side, only problem is, I don't know who the woman is. For some reason, she never has a face. I mean, it's not like some horror movie stuff, she just has no face. I wouldn't dare tell anyone though; they might think I'm crazy. The only person I told was my mom, and she told me to just think of something else before I go to sleep. I tried it, it didn't work, plus I'm not sure I want it to work. The woman in my dreams is so caring and so loving, and we seem so happy, I don't want to ruin it. This woman seems so impossible, she can't be real. No one is THIS perfect, right?

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