Chapter 2

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I swear this girl is driving me crazy! Every time she can't sleep, she has to bother me. As much as I love her, I can't stand when she tries to get my attention at night. Unlike her, I have no problems when I sleep, so I really have a problem when she decides to ask me to keep her company. "Beyonce, this really has to stop." I said as she got into bed next to me.

"I know Kelly, just tonight, I promise." She said looking at me.

I shook my head and turned my lamp off. I knew she was lying; she would be back tomorrow night, and the night after that, and the night after that. I didn't understand it. I wish I could help her, but I've tried so many times that I think we're both tired of it. "Do you want to talk about it?" I asked as the room got quiet.

"It's the same dream again, there's nothing to talk about." She said pulling my blanket more towards her.

I uncovered myself and sat up. I turned on the lamp and looked back at her. "Beyonce, I care about you so much, and I'm really afraid for you. I mean, this can't be normal." I said.

She sat up and looked at me. "Of course it's not normal, but there's nothing I could do. I went to the doctor, I went to the psychiatrist, and I went to all possible places! Nothing worked!" She said getting angry.

I knew all this, I knew everything she went through, but I just can't take it anymore. I was starting to worry. "Well, at least explain to me what new thing you learned in the dream tonight." I said smiling.

She smiled as well as we both sat in the bed with our backs resting on the headboard. "We went to the beach, it was so amazing, and he took me on the Ferris wheel and held my hand the whole time. It's like he sensed that I was afraid to be up there that late, and he tried to calm me down."

Listening to her stories always made me feel guilty, I never see her as happy as she is when she's telling me these stories. I just wish there was some way I could find someone good enough for her, someone who can live up to the dream man's potential. She deserves to be happy, and I'm going to try everything to get her to be. "So how did it end?" I asked. She always seemed to wake up when the dream was getting good.

"We were about to kiss, and I felt something wet in my hair. When I went to touch it, I ended up waking up in a pool of my own drool." She said laughing.

I just moved away from her. That was gross. I know we're practically sisters, but that's disgusting. I don't need to know about her drooling. "Well, maybe next time you'll get to the kiss." We both knew I was lying; she never got to the kiss. Something always happened to ruin the moment.

"Yeah, let's just go to sleep." She said getting into bed. I shook my head and turned my lamp off again as I got in next to her. I couldn't stand to see her miserable, I had to find someone for her, and I had to do it soon.


As long as I've known homie, he ain't ever been so down as he is now. I don't know what's wrong with him, but everyone started noticing how his attitude had changed. He used to be Jay, the life of the party! Now, he's Shawn, the boring businessman. Don't get me wrong, I'm proud of him for growing up and for showing niggas that he has a brain and he ain't about to act like a gangsta his whole life. He's doing shit with his talents, and he's doing it in the biggest way possible. I'm real proud of him for that, and that ain't gonna change. Only thing I have a problem with is the fact that something has him so miserable that it's killing me inside as well. He's been watching out for me ever since we were young; I had to look out for him now.

"You okay?" I asked as I walked into his kitchen.

He was getting a bottle of water from the fridge. "Yeah, I just got thirsty. What are you doing up?" He asked sitting at the kitchen bar.

I took a seat next to him. "I was up, I was watching TV and then I heard you moving around in here." I said staring at the magazine. I started scanning through kuz I knew he was in a thinking state of mind. See, he had this look on his face when he would think; it's like the look a person gets when they're at the grocery store. Don't know what the hell you need, but you know you need something. "Can I ask you a question?" I said, finally breaking the silence.

"Yeah." He said playing with the bottle cap.

"What's been up with you these past couple of months? I mean, you ain't your regular self. Is everything cool on your side?" That meant family issues. I prayed it wasn't that though, his family was like my family, and I didn't need anything happening to them.

"Nah, everyone is cool. It's just, damn man, you ever feel like something is missing from your life?" He asked, finally looking at me.

"Yeah, all the time." It was true. I think many people felt the same way.

"Well, that's how I feel right now. There's someone out there for me that I know I'm meant to be with, but I can't. For some reason, I just am not able to find that person. It's like we're being blocked from ever crossing each others paths."

I took a good look at him, he was dead serious. I guess he's still in his growing process. He's finally ready to settle down. I knew it would happen eventually, but I knew it wasn't gonna be easy for him. He was always picky about stuff, so picking a possible wife was not gonna be easy at all.

"You gonna find her man, keep your head up." I said giving him a pat on the back.

"Yeah, I hope so. I'm going back upstairs, have a good night man." He said getting up.

"You too, and don't get discouraged. You're Jay Z! What you want, you get, right?" I said laughing a little.

"Right." He said nodding his head and walking away.

I knew he trusted me with what he just said, so that means I have to take this into my own hands. I can't tell the other guys, and I sure as hell won't. I'm gonna help him with this on my own; it's the least I could do. I couldn't stand to see him miserable, I had to find someone for him, and I had to do it soon.

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