Chapter 49: Revenge!

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Real World!
     Candace walked into her apartment with shopping bags. She laid them down on her couch and turned on the lamp. She jumped when she saw Dale sitting on a chair. "Dale." Candace stated. "Candace." Dale stated. Candace walked closer to him and he just stayed where he was. "Why are you here?" Candace asked with tears in her eyes. Dale smirked as he stood up. "I have a surprise for you." Dale replied as he walked closer to her, until they were an inch apart. Candace didn't back away. She was nervous and a little afraid, but not enough. She held up her bravery, she wasn't going to let him get the best of her. She loves him, and she knows that she needs to remind him of the love they share. "Amd what's that?" Candace asked. "This." Dale replied as he grabbed her as she screamed.

     The group was in a cottage in the ghost world, to get away from everyone they could. Red and Orange magic swirled around the group. Then it went inside each of them, making Maria drop the spell book she was holding, and it flew across the room. Everyone fell back. They all sighed and rubbed their heads as they stood up. "Did it work?" Stella asked. "I don't know." Kelly replied. They realized that they weren't at the cottage anymore. They were inside Haunted High, and inside Maria's old office. "How did we get here?" Ruby asked. She held out her hand and reaper staff appeared in her hand from her ship outside of the school. She held it up in defense, just in case. "Maybe it was the magic from the spell book. Maybe it did more then we realised." Sidney replied and they all shrugged in response. Then Maria's eyes widened. "Where is it?" Maria asked as they all looked around. "Where is what?" Olivia asked. "The spell book." Maria replied and they gasped as they started searching for it. "Looking for this?" Elvira asked as she held up the spell book with a smirk. They all stopped and turned to face her. "You sent us here after the spell worked." Victoria realised as she held out her hand and made her ghost pirate sword appear in her hand. She faced it towards Elvira, ready to attack. "Settle down, kids." Elvira stated. "Kids? We're older then you." Tamora stated. "Yeah, by 2 years." Elvira stated as she rolled her eyes. "Wait, you knew about what we were doing? What we were planning?" Joseph asked as he stepped up. "I'm everywhere and I'm nowhere." Elvira replied. "Well, that was the stupidest answer I have ever heard." Ian muttered and Sidney grabbed his hand and squeezed it as he squeezed back. "But I am, and you will lose, as I shall win." Elvira stated. "We'll see about that." Maria stated. Then, as if on cue, the group held up their hands and shot fire at Elvira.

Real World!
     Christy had went to Candace's apartment, and heard screaming. She barged in there and got Candace away from Dale. She punched him in the face and then kicked his shin. He screamed in pain and then pushed them both out of the way as he ran out. Candace fell on the couch, but hurt her leg in the process. She sighed when she heard the door slam. She stood up and sat down as she messaged her leg. She looked down and gasped when she saw it Christy on the floor, unconscious. When she fell, she hit her head on edge of a table. Candace grabbed her. She put one hand on her head and the other on her stomach. Candace moved her hand that was on the back of her head and sighed when she saw it was blood on her fingers. A few tears fell out of her eyes. She took off her jacket and folded it up, putting it under her head, and she grabbed her phone. She called Cecelia, and then Lynda.
      Daisy was practicing her magic again. She wants magic so she can be more useful, but she won't get obsessed with it like her father did, and she won't make his mistakes. She will also make sure the magic she uses is light magic and not dark magic, unlike her father. But her magic should be light, since she's the savior. Daisy pulled her hair back and took a deep breathe as she held out her hand. She closed her eyes and focused on fire. A couple moments later, she opened her eyes and gasped with a smile when she saw a fire ball had formed on her hand. She was happy she had finally accomplished her first task. Now, is on the next part. Her phone rang and she jumped, but she had complete control over her fire ball stated in her hand. Her dad always said it took a while to get full control, a long time for beginners. Maybe because of who her dad is and because she's the savior, it comes easier to her. That's helpful to her. She closed her fist and opened it again, and found the fire was gone. She's surprised she learned that part so fast too. She shook it off for the moment and grabbed her phone, and saw saw it was Lynda. She answered it with a smile. "Hey. We still on for lunch?" Daisy asked and Lynda shook her head as she sniffed, and Daisy heard that. She pushed her eyebrows together in confusion. "What's wrong?" Daisy asked, feeling concerned. "It's Christy.... She's in the hospital." Lynda replied and Daisy gasped as tears fell from her eyes.

     Elvira blocked their fire with her very own wall of fire. They stopped sending fire her way and she took down her wall of fire. "You can't beat me that easily." Elvira stated as she glared at them. "This isn't over." Victoria stated and Elvira smirked. "I know that." Elvira stated. She waved her hand and disappeared as everyone sighed.
     "What are we going to do?" Kelly asked as she floated around, feeling anxious. "We can trick her." Stella replied. "I already thought of that, it won't work, she's always two steps ahead of us." Tamora stated and Stella sighed, knowing she's right. "I think that's an amazing idea." Peter spoke up. "Of course you have to say that, you're her boyfriend." Ian stated and he shook his head. "No. I mean, we make her think we're doing one thing, while we're really doing another." Peter stated and Stella smiled. "Yes! That's brilliant, not even she can stay ahead of us all of the time." Stella agreed. "She can't be in more then one place at a time, so we just have to split up. She'll follow her mother." Peter stated. "So, Maria and a couple others talk about a fake plan." Stella stated. "As the others talk about the real plan." Peter agreed and they both smiled as they high fived. "So cute." Olivia stated and they rolled their eyes. "Shut up." Stella and Peter stated in unison. The others laughed as they just sighed.

Real World!
      Daisy ran to the hospital and saw Candace in the waiting room with blood on her hands. "What happened?" Daisy asked as Candace stood up. Candace told her everything and Daisy gasped. "And.... That's it." Candace replied and Daisy hugged her. Candace tried to hug back without getting the blood on her. Daisy pulled away and grabbed onto her wrists, lightly. "Let's go get you cleaned up." Daisy stated and Candace nodded as they went to the restroom.
    Daisy and Candace were sitting on chairs, and just waiting. Then Bradley ran in and Daisy walked over to him. "I got your message. What happened?" Bradley asked as he held back tears. "Long story short, she hit her head." Daisy replied. Bradley sighed and Daisy hugged him. Raina walked in as Candace stood up and Daisy and Bradley pulled away. "What is it? Is she okay?" Candace asked and Raina nodded. "She's lucky." Raina replied and they sighed in relief. "Is she awake?" Bradley asked. "Yes, but not for long. We gave her something to help her sleep and it should be kicking in soon." Raina replied. "Could we see her?" Daisy asked and Raina sighed. "Yes, but only until she calls asleep. Follow me." Raina replied and they followed her into the room. Cecelia was in there and wrote a few things on a clipboard and then walked out with Raina.
     Daisy, Candace, and Bradley looked at her as she smiled at them. "Hey." Christy greeted tiredly. "Hi." Daisy greeted. "Are you okay?" Bradley asked and she weakly nodded. "Yeah, I'll live." Christy replied. "I am so sorry." Candace apologized as she sniffed her tears back. Christy sighed and reached over to grab her hand. "Don't be, it's not your fault." Christy replied. "But it was Dale, my Dale." Candace stated. "Yeah, but it's Dale's fault. He's noteeven himself right now.... We will get him back. One way or another." Christy explained and Candace nodded. Christy was was starting to fall asleep. Daisy kissed her forehead and then Candace did the same. Then Bradley kissed her on the lips and as he pulled away, she was out. All three of them sighed as they left.
     Daisy suggested that Candace stayed with her and temporarily stay in Christy's room, but Candace said no. But Daisy wouldn't take no for an answer. Candace and Daisy had grabbed some of her stuff from her apartment and went to the loft. Daisy knocked on Christy's door and walked. "Hey." Daisy greeted. "Hi." Candace greeted as she looked up from the magazine she was reading. Daisy grabbed a jacket that was on the chair that was off in the side, and she put it on. "I left my jacket in here the other day." Daisy stated and Candace nodded. "Okay." Candace stated. "Chris and I are going out with Vampiris. You're welcome to come." Daisy stated and Candace shook her head. "No, I'm fine." Candace stated. "Are you sure? Because I'm not sure about leaving you alone right now." Daisy added and Candace sighed. "I'm fine, really. Go have some nice family time with your husband and your daughter." Candace stated and Daisy nodded. "Okay, if you're sure." Daisy agreed and she left as Candace sighed.
      Candace walked down the stairs and it was a little dark. She turned on the lights and went into the kitchen. She grabbed a cup and poured some already made coffee into the cup. She drank a sip and then sighed. She turned around and gasped as she jumped. She dropped the breakable cup on the floor, and it shattered everwhere as the coffee spilt too. She looked at her ex boyfriend. "Hello, Candace." Dale greeted with a smirk. "What are you doing here?" Candace asked. "Revenge." Dale replied as he made a sword appear in her hand and her eyes widened. Then he quickly stabbed her as she gasped. He took the sword out and she fell to her knees as she held her stab wound. Dale just watched her and disappeared as she sat there, dying.

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