Chapter 8: Non Magical World!

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   Casta and Magica got home and Mrs. Fierce walked over to them. "There you are. You've been gone for a while." Mrs. Fierce stated. "I've been hanging out with Catrine." Magica stated as if it was the most obvious answer in the world. "I like that girl. She seems to be a good influence on you." Mr. Fierce stated and Magica smiled. "Now go clean up while we finish dinner." Mrs. Fierce stated and the sisters nodded. Magica ran upstairs as Casta flew upstairs with her broom.
     Catrine just left Merlin's and went to her apartment. When she got there, Catty walked out of her apartment, which is right across from Catrine's. "Hey." Catty greeted. "Hi." Catrine greeted. "I haven't seen you much lately." Catty stated and Catrine nodded. "Yeah. Well, you've been busy being a pop star and I've been with Merlin and Magica a lot." Catrine stated and Catty nodded. "But then Catty looked at her confused. "Who's Magica?" Catty asked. "Long story. All you need to know is that she's someone very important to me." Catrine replied and Catty nodded. "I was thinking we could hang out. Before my tour starts." Catty suggested and Catrine looked at her confused. "Tour? What tour?" Catrine asked and Catty's eyes widend as she realised she hasn't told Catrine yet. "Catty. What tour?" Catrine asked. "I going on a world tour for my singing career." Catty replied. "What!?" Catrine asked angrily. "Please be supportive. This is a big opportunity for me!" Catty pleaded. "I know it is." Catrine stated. "So, you're okay with it?" Catty asked. "I would have been, if you told me sooner. I bet you told a lot of people already." Catrine replied. "Well." Catty stated. "So you have." Catrine stated with tears in her eyes. "I thought I had told you first, honestly." Catty stated. "Wow. So forgettable you can go right by me. I'm sick of being stuck in your shadow." Catrine stated. "This again?" Catty asked. "This again." Catrine replied. "This is ridiculous." Catty stated. "No, this isn't. You might have singing talent, but I have artist talent." Catrine stated. "Your art work isn't as good my singing though." Catty stated and Catrine gasped. Catrine couldn't believe her cousin just said that to her, Catty couldn't believe she had just said that to her cousin. There was a moment of silence. "I see how you feel." Catrine stated as she held back tears. "I didn't mean it. I was just angry." Catty stated. "No. You meant every word. Ever since you became this big pop star, it's like I don't mean as much to you!" Catrine exclaimed. "That is not true!" Catty exclaimed as her tears were on the bring of escaping. "Yeah, right." Catrine stated as she rolled her eyes. "Catrine!" Catty exclaimed. "No, just.... Leave me alone. Forever." Catrine stated. Catrine ran off and Catty sighed as she started crying and Catrine was crying too.

Real World- New York!
      Mr. Gold has been walking for what seems like forever. He finally found a library and walked in. It was a lot bigger then the one in Storybrook, and a lot of people were in there, more people then Mr. Gold would have liked. Mr. Gold doesn't like people that much. He sighed as started looking for books. He had to have looked at every book in there, and then sighed. He was looking for magic books. A worker walked over to him. "May I help you?" The worker asked politely and Mr. Gold sighed. He hates getting help, but he may not have any choice. "This might seem weird to you, but I'm looking for magic books." Mr. Gold replied and the worker nodded. "There's a magic store about two miles from here." The worker stated and Mr. Gold looked at her confused. "There's a magic store? Here?" Mr. Gold asked. "Yes. It's fake, obviously. But there's magic books and potions and ingredients. It's actually pretty cool." The worker stated and Mr. Gold nodded. "Fake, right."Mr. Gold stated. "I hope you find what you're looking for " The worker stated and Mr. Gold nodded. "Yeah, me too." Mr. Gold agreed and then he left.
   Mr. Gold walked out and sighed when he saw Merlin. "What are you doing here?" Merlin asked. "That's my business." Mr. Gold replied and Merlin nodded. "Bye now." Merlin stated. "Rude." Mr. Gold stated. "Me? I'm rude?" Merlin asked and Mr. Gold nodded. "Yeah." Mr. Gold replied. "You're the definition for rude " Merlin stated and Mr. Gold shrugged. "I never said I wasn't." Mr. Gold stated. "You are. Not me." Merlin stated. "Yes, you are too." Mr. Gold stated and Merlin rolled his eyes. "What makes you think that?" Merlin asked as he glared at Mr. Gold. "Because you up and left that cat girl without a single word." Mr. Gold replied with a smirk and Merlin was getting angry. "Stay the hell away from me!" Merlin exclaimed. Merlin walked into the library and Mr. Gold let out a laugh before he left too.

Real World- Storybrook!
     Daisy walked into the condo and didn't see Christy. Daisy walked upstairs and knocked on Christy's bedroom door. "Come in." Christy stated. Daisy walked in and closed the door behind her. She walked over to her best friend and sat next to her on the chair. "You okay?" Daisy asked. "Yeah." Christy replied. "Tell me what's wrong." Daisy stated. "It's nothing. It's stupid." Christy replied and Daisy made Christy look at her. "I am your best friend. Nothing you say will sound stupid to me, especially if it's important to you. You can tell me anything." Daisy stated and Christy sighed. "It's just.... I look at everyone and they're all happy with everything they have. I mean, they all have complete lives." Christy stated. "But you have your fashion company. That's all you've ever wanted since you were, like, 2." Daisy stated. "I know. But I'm a grown women now. I kind of want to find love like everyone else in this town." Christy stated and Daisy nodded. "You'll find love. You can't rush stuff like that. You have to just let fate take it's course." Daisy stated. "But everyone is still with their high school suite heart's. I mean, I've had dates.... But it never works out." Christy stated. "Why?" Daisy asked. "My career." Christy replied. "What do you mean?" Daisy asked. "I'm too into my career, and because of it, I keep pushing good guys away." Christy stated. "Then that's the first thing you need to do." Daisy stated. "What?" Christy asked. "Stop pushing good guys away because you're scared or because of your job. Just let them in a little bit more, then maybe you can find the one." Daisy stated and Christy nodded. "You're right." Christy stated and Daisy smiled. "Of course I'm right." Daisy stated and Christy smiled. Then they both laughed. Daisy gave Christy a kiss on the cheek and then left as Christy sighed.

Real World- New York!
    Mr. Gold walked into the magic shop the worker from the library had told him about. He looked through some magic books and grabbed some herbs and ingredients and bought them. He sighed, because back in Storybrook you didn't have to buy them, as long as you return them. But New York is defiantly different then Storybrook, Maine. Mr. Gold got to his apartment after a long day. He got out the stuff be bought and went straight to work. It took him a while, but he finally finished. He didn't want to get Merlin, but he knew Daisy would be mad at him if he didn't bring the wizard. He sighed and put the potion vial into his coat pocket and walked out of the apartment.
     He was walking to the library, when he passed by the beach. He stopped when he saw Merlin sitting near the water, just watching the waves and drinking his cup of coffee. Merlin sighed and walked over to him. "Merlin." Mr. Gold stated and Merlin sighed as he rolled his eyes. "It's important." Mr. Gold stated. "I'm sure it is." Merlin stated. Mr. Gold sighed and rolled his eyes. "Just stand up." Mr. Gold stated and Merlin shook his head. "Nope." Merlin stated and Mr. Gold groaned. "Please." Mr. Gold stated through gritted teeth. "Make me." Merlin stated. Mr. Gold grabbed Merlin's arm and forced him up, which caused him to spill a little of his coffee. "Are you serious?" Merlin asked angrily. "Yes. Just listen to me." Mr. Gold replied and Merlin sighed and rolled his eyes. "Fine." Merlin agreed. "I have a potion to take us to Storybrook." Mr. Gold stated. "Storybrook?" Merlin asked. "That's where everyone in the curse lives. Catrine is there." Mr. Gold replied and that peaked Merlin's interest. "Okay." Merlin agreed.
     Mr. Gold and Merlin got to the apartment that Mr. Gold is currently staying at. He grabbed the potion vial from his coat pocket and then took a deep breathe. He threw it on the ground and smoke exited the vial, but nothing more then that happened. "Why didn't it work?" Mr. Gold asked. "I don't know. Maybe you did it wrong." Merlin replied. "That's not possible. My potions and spells never fail me." Mr. Gold stated. "Well, there's a first time for everything." Merlin stated with a smirk. "Shut up." Mr. Gold stated and Merlin laughed. "It didn't work because of where we are." Merlin stated and Mr. Gold sighed. "Because this is a non magical world." Mr. Gold stated. Merlin nodded and they both sighed.

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