Chapter 33: Revenant!

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Flashback- Several Years Ago!
   Elvira felt someone shaking her in the office she was sleeping in. She slowly opened her eyes and looked up to find Principal Revenant. She sat up and yawned and stretched. "Ma'am." Elvira stated. "Why are you sleeping here?" Revenant asked. "It's a long story." Elvira replied as she floated up. "I have time." Revenant replied and Elvira sighed. "Well, I went home and my parents and all of their stuff was gone. There was a note saying they're gone and not coming back." Elvira explained as her eyes watered. "Well, I'll take you in." Revenant stated Elvira looked up shocked. "Really?" Elvira asked. "Yeah." Revenant replied. "Why?" Elvira asked. "Because I've always wanted a daughter. You'll never believe the life I have had and the crap I've been through." Revenant replied and Elvira smiled. Elvira hugged Revenant and shocked her. Revenant didn't know what to do. She sighed and hugged Elvira back.

Flashback- 1,000 years ago!
        1,000 years ago, before she was known as the red lady, Maria Revenant was floating home from Haunted High. She was in her senior year of high school and it was almost over. Just a few more months and she'll be out of this horrible place. She has a hard life. She gets bullied and her parents both abandoned her when she was a little girl. She's lived on her own most of her life. She use to have to live by stealing. But now that she's older, she can get a job and really support herself without doing anything illegal, like stealing. She sighed as she walked into her small apartment. She put her hair in a ponytail and did some light house cleaning. When she was done she looked at the clock and saw she was going to be late for work. She changed into her waitress uniform and headed to work. As she left her house, she bumped into someone and made the girl fall. A boy was next to her and helped her up. "I-I'm so so-sorry." Maria apologized. Then Maria noticed it was Clara and Donnie. The leader's of Haunted High. The mean kids. Head cheerleader and Quarterback of the football team. "What's your damage?" Clara asked. "I said I-I was sor-sorry." Maria replied and then Clara and Donnie started laughing. "What are you wearing?" Clara asked. "W-work clothes." Maria replied as she put her hair done. "You're so lame." Donnie stated. "That's the understatement of the year." Clara stated and Maria held back tears. Maria ran away crying and Clara and Donnie kept lauging as Maria left to work.

Real World!
   Candace sat on her couch in her apartment with dry tears staining her face. She was just starring off to space. Lynda was sitting at the table watching her. Gilbert finished making food and sat it down. "How is she doing?" Gilbert asked and Lynda sighed. "Not good." Lynda replied and Gilbert sighed. "I'm sorry about earlier." Gilbert apologized. Lynda rolled her eyes and stood up. Gilbert sighed and walked over to her. "What will it take to get you to forgive me?" Gilbert asked. "I'm going to go get a few things. Watch and take car of her." Lynda replied and Gilbert nodded. "Of course." Gilbert agreed.
     Lynda knocked on the condo door and Christy opened it with a smile. "Hey." Christy greeted. "We have a problem." Lynda replied and Christy frowned. "What is it?" Christy asked. "Its kind of a long story, and I still don't understand what exactly happened." Lynda replied and Christy nodded. "Come in." Christy stated as she let her in. Lynda walked in and Christy closed the door.

Flashback- Missing 2 Months!
     The ghosts floated up and starred at someone they haven't seen in a very long time. "Principal Revenant." Peter stated. Revenant closed the door and starred at them. "What are you guys doing here? How did you get here?" Revenant asked. "Some portal." Tamora replied. "You guys can't be here." Revenant stated. "In the ghost world or Haunted High?" Stella asked. "Both. But especially Haunted High. But it's known as Haunted Mansion now." Revenant replied. "What happened?" Olivia asked. "Some one from my past has gone evil, it's my fault too. From when I was still the Red Lady. Elvira." Revenant replied. Sidney gasped and her eyes widend. "Elvira!" Sidney gasped and everyone looked at her. "You know her?" Ian asked and Elvira sighed. "Yeah, she was my best friend in Haunted High. Before I went to Monster High, that is. I didn't even meet you guys until Monster High, even though we all went to Haunted High at about the same time." Sidney explained. "I knew her too. I was her mentor. I helped her, she was like the daughter I never had. Until I turned good, she got angry at me. Now I'm her first in command." Revenant stated. "El did this? But she use to be so nice and sweet and shy. She had a hard life. She has abandonment issues and when I went to Monster High she never forgave me. She thought I left her. I tried staying in touch, she wouldn't speak to me. Eventually I had to give up." Sidney explained with a sigh and then Ian gave her a reassuring hug. "You guys have to go. Now!" Revenant exclaimed. "Why?" Kelly asked. "Before it's too late!" Revenant replied. But then the door swung open and some ghosts was pulling a throne. On the throne was Elvira. "It's already too late." Elvira stated. "El!" Sidney exclaimed. "Scarah?" Elvira asked. "Yeah, it's me." Sidney replied. "I can't believe you came back after all of this time." Elvira stated. "I never wanted to leave." Sidney stated. "Well, it's too late now." Elvira stated. "But El." Sidney stated. "Enough! Guards! Take them to the dungeon. Including Maria." Elvira stated and everyone gasped as the guards took them away.

Real World! 
      Lynda, Christy, Daisy, Christopher, and Vampiris all stopped outside of Candace's door. "I have to go to work. Tell Gilbert to stay there and I'll be back soon." Lynda stated and everyone nodded. "Sure thing." Christy stated and then they went in. Lynda sighed and left. She got to the station, but before she could go in, Marvin walked out. We have to go to the woods." Marvin stated and Lynda sighed. Okay. Get in." Lynda stated. Lynda got into the driver's seat of her car as Marvin got into the passenger's seat and then she drove away and to the woods to see what the problem was.  
      Lynda stopped the car and they got out of the it.  Lynda gasped when she saw a women laying on the ground unconscious. They walked up to her. Lynda looked at her closely and bent down to get a better view. Lynda didn't recognize her. "Do you know her?" Marvin asked and Lynda shook her head. "No." Lynda replied and they both sighed. "We need to get her to the hospital." Marvin stated as Lynda stood up and she nodded. "Yeah, we do." Lynda agreed. Marvin bent down and picked her up. They walked to Lynda's car and Marvin put the women in the backseat. They both got in and Lynda started the car and drove to the hospital, while speeding, to get her there fast.
       Lynda walked into Candace's apartment and everyone looked at her, except Candace. "Is everything okay?" Daisy asked. "Yeah, or it will be. We found a women unconscious in the woods." Lynda replied and everyone, except Candace, gasped. "Is she okay?" Christy asked. "She's in a coma right now." Lynda replied. "Who is she?" Christopher asked. Lynda sighed and shrugged. We don't know  yet. We didn't find an ID on her, but we're still looking." Lynda replied. "Hopefully we find out who she is and hopefully she's okay." Daisy stated and Lynda sighed. "Hopefully. How is she?" Lynda asked as she gestured towards Candace as Gilbert walked over to her. "Worst." Gilbert replied and Lynda looked him in the eyes. "How?" Lynda asked. "She looks more pale and she started crying and screaming earlier." Gilbert replied and Lynda sighed. "Thanks for watching her." Lynda stated and Gilbert nodded. Of course." Gilbert stated. "He wouldn't take his eyes off of her." Christy stated. "Yeah, he didn't want to miss her getting better or worst." Daisy replied and Gilbert sighed as Lynda looked at him. "Thanks, guys." Gilbert stated. "No, problem." Christy stated and her and Daisy started to giggle as Gilbert rolled his eyes. Gilbert looked at Lynda, who was still starring at him. "You didn't have to watch her that closely." Lynda stated. "I know, but I know you're really worried about her and I wanted to make sure she was okay. For you." Gilbert stated and Lynda managed to smile, which she hasn't done since what happened with Dale. "Thank you." Lynda stated and Gilbert nodded. "Of course. I love you." Gilbert stated and Lynda blushed. "I love you too." Lynda stated and he smiled. Then they kissed passionately and hugged. Lynda finally turned her head and looked at them. Then she looked at Daisy and Christopher with their daughter. She held back tears and took a deep breathe. She's tired of crying. She slowly stood up and everyone looked at her shocked. Everyone was silent as they waited for her to speak. "There's too much love in here. I want to be left alone." Candace stated and they sighed. "Candace." Daisy stated. "Now!" Candace exclaimed. She walked into her and Dale's room and slammed the door shut. Everyone sighed and slowly walked out. Candace stood next to her closed door and started to slowly cry as she looked at the king size bed made for her and the love of her life. But he doesn't love her anymore. She still doesn't understand why, though. She sighed as she walked out of her bedroom. She walked to the spare bedroom and walked in, closing the door behind her. She took a deep breathe and crawled in the spare bed and cried her eyes out, letting the tears fall freely.
     No one has heard from or seen Dale since what happened. He walked up the stairs of a mansion and opened the door, without knocking. He walked into the living room and saw Rick and Nicole there. They stood up and looked at him confused. "You!" Rick exclaimed angrily. "Ugh! What are you doing here?" Nicole asked disgusted and Dale rolled his eyes. "I came because we both want the same thing." Dale stated and Nicole rolled her eyes. "Which is?" Nicole asked. "Revenge on a little girl with black hair and gold streaks." Dale replied. "Well, we're fine on our own. So, you can go now." Rick stated. "I beg to differ." Dale stated and they scuffed. "Excuse you?" Rick asked.  "You will work with me and I'll be your leader." Dale stated. "Yeah, that's not going to happen." Nicole stated. "Yes, it will. Or I will take off my glasses, and you both know what will happen if I do." Dale stated. Their eyes widened and they looked at each other and back at him. Dale had a smirk on his face as he watched their expression. "So, do we have a deal?" Dale asked.

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