Chapter 28: Memory Loss!

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Present- Ghost World!
       The group walked inside the school and looked around. "Is it just me or does this not look like a school anymore?" Kelly asked. "It looks like.... A really big house." Sidney replied. "I have a really bad feeling about this." Stella stated as they continued to look away. "I think we all do, sugar." Olivia stated. Then they saw a giant ghost head in the middle of the room with long light blue hair, kind of like what the red lady use to do to talk to her students. "Who's trespassing in my home?" The ghost asked. "We are from a different land. We got here by accident and we just want to go home." Tamora replied. "Is that so?" The ghost asked. "Yes." Stella replied. "Wasn't this supposed to be a school?" Peter asked as he looked around. "It was. But it's my home now." The ghost replied. "What's your name?" Ian asked. "Elvira." Elvira replied. "Well, could we stay here tonight?" Ruby asked. "No." Elvira replied. "What?" Ruby asked. "Why not?" Sidney asked. "Because I don't like visitors. Now get out or else!" Elvira replied. They all ran outside.

Real World!
      Jason, Alison, and Harry ran in the forest and gasped at what they saw. They were back. They were all back. They helped them up and they looked around. "Where are we?" Stella asked. "Storybrook." Alison replied. "How did we get back here?" Tamora asked. "We were going to ask you the same thing." Jason stated. "What's the last thing you remember?" Harry asked. "We appeared in the ghost world." Ian replied. "On my father's boat." Ruby added. "That all you remember?" Alison asked. "Yes." Peter replied. "Oh my gosh." Jason stated. "What?" Kelly asked. "Its another dark curse." Jason replied and everyone gasped. "Of course!" Tamora exclaimed. "This is just great!" Victoria exclaimed sarcastically. "How long were we gone?" Ruby asked. "Eight weeks." Jason replied. "Eight weeks?" Kelly asked. "Two months?" Victoria asked. "Yes." Alison replied and everyone sighed. "What are we going to do?" Harry asked. There was a moment of silence. "Figure out what happened while we were gone." Stella replied.

Flashback- Missing 2 Months!
     The ghosts slept in Ruby's boat that night. They all.some up the next morning, still not knowing what to do. "Maybe we can find the red lady. Maybe she can help us." Stella suggested. "Is she still good or did she turn evil again?" Peter asked. "I think she's still good." Stella replied and Peter nodded. "But where can we find her?" Kelly asked. "I haven't figured that part out, yet." Stella replied and they all sighed. Tamora stood up and looked at Elvira's huge house. "What are you doing, matie?" Victoria asked Tamora as she put her green pirate hat on her head. "I just.... I have a weird feeling. I think something is up." Tamora replied. "Like what?" Ian asked. "I'm not sure, yet." Tamora replied. "It's probably nothing." Kelly stated. "It's probably something, sugar." Olivia stated. "Why do you say that?" Kelly asked. "She's always right when it comes to having weird feelings." Stella replied. "Trust us. Stella, Ian, Olivia, and Joseph have known her longer." Sidney stated and they nodded. "Then what do we do?" Peter asked. "Investigate." Joseph replied and Olivia smiled. "This should be fun." Olivia stated. "Or dangerous." Kelly stated. "I live for danger." Victoria stated. "We know you do." Kelly stated. "I like danger too. Considering who my father is." Ruby stated. "What do we do?" Tamora asked. "Sneak in." Joseph replied.

Flashback- Several Years Ago!
      A long time ago, before Elvira took over the ghost world, Elvira was a really good ghost. Elvira flew to her house and saw her parents. "Hi, mom. Hi, dad." Elvira greeted. "Hello, Elvira." Mr. Ghost greeted. "Hey, sweetheart." Mrs. Ghost greeted. "I finished my chores." Elvira stated. "That's great, sweetheart." Mrs. Ghost stated. "Good job, El." Mr. Ghost stated. Mr. Ghost was sitting on the couch reading a newspaper while Mrs. Ghost sat next to him reading her book. "Could we do something together as a family?" Elvira asked. Her parents looked at each other and went back to do what they were doing. "We're kind of busy." Mr. Ghost stated and Elvira's face fell as she sighed. "Oh. Okay." Elvira stated. "Maybe another time." Mrs. Ghost stated. Elvira nodded and put on a fake smile. "Yeah. Next time." Elvira stated and then she flew to her room and cried.

Real World!
     "There are some new people here. They're all ghost and they're lost and confused." Jason stated as he and Tamora walked around Abominably Amazing. Tamora and Jason were helping the new people as much as they can. Willow walked in and over to Tamora. "Ella has all of the rooms ready for the new guests." Willow stated. "Great. Let's get them there so they can rest." Tamora stated. "Okay. I'll take them." Willow stated. "Everyone! Follow Willow to wear you'll be staying!" Jason exclaimed as Tamora pointed to Willow. Everyone followed Willow outside.
     Stella and Peter were at the Twins hotel with Gabriella. "So, you guys really don't remember anything?" Gabriella asked and they shook their heads. "Nope." Peter replied. "Another dark curse. But who would do that?" Stella asked. "You guys don't think there's another villain, do you?" Gabriella asked and they looked at her confused. What makes you say that?" Stella asked. "Because someone had to make the dark curse and they probably did it so you guys won't remember them. That way they could fool everyone and no one could stop them from their master plan. It's probably one of the new ghosts." Gabriella explained. "That makes a lot of sense." Stella stated. "How many new ghosts are apart of this dark curse?" Peter asked. "A hundred, I believe." Stella replied. "Is this town big enough?" Peter asked. "Well, hopefully we can get them back to the ghost world. But for now, this will have to due. But, luckily this hotel is big enough." Stella replied. "I'm going to be busy, and so will Willow." Gabriella stated and Stella and Peter nodded.
     Willow walked in with all of the ghost with her. Gabriella walked over there and handed each one of them a key and then went back behind the desk to put them all in the computer. Everyone went upstairs with Willow so Willow can show them their rooms, all but one. Stella walked over to her. "Are you okay?" Stella asked and the girl with long dirty blonde hair and blue streak looked at her. "Um.... Yeah." The girl replied. "Okay." Stella stated unsure. "This world so different and weird." The girl stated and Stella nodded. "Yeah. It'll be weird at first, but you'll get use to it.... Eventually." Stella stated and the girl nodded with a sweet smile. "I hope." The girl stated. "I'm Stella and this is my boyfriend, Peter." Stella introduced and the girl shook hands with them both. "I'm Elvira." Elvira greeted. "It's nice to meet you, Elvira." Stella greeted.

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