Chapter 19: Back to Storybrook Part 1!

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Real World- Storybrook!
      Daisy got a call from Mr. Gold. So Daisy, Christopher, Christy, Vampiris, and Alison were all at the town line as Alison held the scroll. They waited as they saw a car drive towards them and then stop near the town line. Mr. Gold got out of the car as a guy that they didn't recognise stayed in the car. Alison through the scroll across the town line and it fell on the ground in front of Mr. Gold. Mr. Gold bent down and picked it up. He went back into his car and read it. He looked up and saw the town appear right in front of his own eyes. He drove the car in the town and him and the other guy got out. Daisy handed Vampiris to Christopher. Daisy went up to Christopher and hugged him. They pulled apart and everyone looked at the other guy. "Who's that?" Christy asked. "Oh. That's just Merlin." Mr. Gold replied and Merlin rolled his eyes. "Where my scroll?" Alison asked. Merlin grabbed it from the car and handed it to her. "Thank you." Alison stated. "I heard Catrine was here." Merlin stated. "Well, she was." Christy stated. "What do you mean by that?" Merlin asked. "Her and some other people got sucked into a portal. We don't know where they are or how to get them back." Christopher replied and Merlin sighed. "I have to put this back in mayor office and get ready for date with Harry." Alison stated. "Good luck." Daisy stated with a smile. "Thank you." Alison stated. "You're the mayor?" Merlin asked. "No, my mom is. But she went through portal too. So I taking over for her." Alison replied and Merlin nodded. Then Alison left.

Present- Boo York!
    "If she lied to me about the amulet when I thought she was good.... Was she ever good?" Casta asked. "I think she always had that evil in her, but she suppressed it for a while. Until we both did something that pushed her over the edge. You're her stresser. I'm the person who pushed her over the edge." Clorissa explained and Casta sighed. "I need to find out about this amulet." Casta stated as she pointed to the amulet around her neck. "We can look through that mystery book about darkness again." Clorissa stated anf Casta nodded. "Do you still have the pictures on your phone from the book?" Casta asked. "No. We'll have to go back to it." Clorissa replied. "Okay. But this time, we're all going." Casta stated and Clorissa nodded. "Okay." Clorissa agreed.

    A long time ago, when everyone thought Magica was good and not evil. Magica has been thinking. She needs a magical way to keep her older sister at bay. But she doesn't know where to look or how to find it. But then she got an idea. There is only one person that could help her to get what she needs. This way, when she does show everyone she's evil, then she can have a way to make sure Casta can never stop her. Magica took a deep breathe as she thought about the person that can help her. This is the only way she has, and she's going to go see him.
    Magica flew to the the dark castle and saw the huge, metal, double doors. She knocked on the door and then the door opened. She peeked in and walked inside. The door slammed shut behind her and she jumped. Then the torches on the walls magically lit up by themselves. She walked down the barely lit dark castle until she saw a door cracked open. She walked in and saw a black chair. The chair turned around to reveal a man. "I see you let yourself in." The man stated. "I needed help from you. Dark help." Magica stated. "Of course you did. That's why you came here, that's why everyone comes here." The man stated. "Can you help me, Dracula?" Magica asked and Dracula smirked. "Of course." Dracula replied and Magica smirked.

Real World- Storybrook!
     Harry knocked on Alison's mansion. Alison opened it in a white fur dress with pink fur on the top and bottom and a white fur coat with pink fur on the top and bottom. She also had on white light heels and a white fur purse. Harry had on a firey red and orange suit with black on it too. "Hi." Alison greeted with a smile. "Hey.... You look gorgeous." Harry stated with a smile and Alison blushed. "Thanks. You look handsome." Alison stated and Harry blushed. Harry held out his hand and Alison took it. Then Harry led Alison to his car. He has an orange, red, and black convertible car. Next to it is Alison's car. It's an icy white car Porsche. Next to Alison's car, is Elisabeth's car. It's a purple Ferrari. Harry opened Alison's car door and she got in with a smile. Harry closed the car door and then got in his side. Then he drove away.
     Tamora and Hanna were hanging out at Abominably Amazing. Hanna gave a sad sigh as she looked at who walked in. Tamora looked at who it was and then turned back to her best friend. It was Randy with his girlfriend Romana. Randy is also known as Romulus and Hanna's long term crush. "You okay?" Tamora asked and Hanna nodded with a sigh. "I will be, eventually." Hanna replied and Tamora nodded. "I have to go to work. I'll talk to you later." Tamora stated and Hanna nodded. "Okay." Hanna agreed with a sigh.
     Tamora got up and headed for the door. But then she bumped into a guy and his glasses fell off. "I am so sorry." Tamora apologized as she picked then up and handed it to him. He accepted them from her and then she looked in her face and knew who it was. Jason. Her long term crush. He put them on and then saw who it was. Tamora. They looked at each other in the eyes and was nervous. Hanna walked over to them with a smile. "Hi." Hanna greeted. "Oh. Um, hey." Tamora greeted. "Hey." Jason greeted. "Tamora. Don't you have work?" Hanna asked. "Uh, yes." Tamora replied. "Don't you guys work at the same place?" Hanna asked. "Yeah. But I have a later shift today." Jason replied and Hanna nodded. "I should go." Tamora stated and Jason nodded. "Me too." Jason stated. Jason walked into Abominably Amazing as Tamora left it and Hanna smirked.

    Dracula led Magica to a specific room. They walked in and Dracula went to a drawer. He pulled out a small golden box and showed it to Magica. "What's that?" Magica asked. "This." Dracula replied as he opened the box and showed her two triquatra amulets. "Two necklaces?" Magica asked confused. "They're not necklaces. They're amulets." Dracula replied. "What's the difference?" Magica asked. "An amulet has power." Dracula replied. "Power? Really?" Magica asked. "Yes. An amulet is very powerful. But these amulets have triquatra's on them. Triquatra's are very powerful as well. Since these are amulets with triquatra's on them, they're twice as powerful." Dracula explained and Magica smiled. "Impressive." Magica stated and Dracula nodded. "Impressive indeed. The one with the pink specks is pure light, which can get rid of pure darkness." Dracula stated. "Then I don't want that one." Magica stated. "Yeah, but you know what it does, that means you can stop it before it's too late." Dracula stated and Magica nodded. "Okay." Magica agreed. "Then the one with black specks makes the person wearing it or holding it why where on themselves, makes them weaker, including their power " Dracula stated and Magica smirked. "Bingo." Magica stated as she accepted them. She walked out when she saw a little vampire, who had to be around 1000 years old, run down the stairs. "Daddy!" Draculaura exclaimed with a smile as she ran to Dracula. "There's my baby vampire." Dracula stated with a smile as they hugged. Magica was surprised to find out that Dracula has a daughter. But she just shook it off and she left the dark castle.

Present- Boo York!
     Casta and Clorissa were inside the secret entrance in the libury while the others were outside standing watch. Casta and Clorissa gasped at what they head. Casta touched her amulet that was around her neck. "I guess that's what it does." Clorissa stated shocked. "That's why I'm not as powerful as Magica. Because this amulet is making me weaker then her." Casta stated. "You need to take it off." Clorissa stated. Casta grabbed it and tried to get it off, but it was stuck. "It won't come off." Casta stated. "What?" Clorissa asked. "It's not coming off." Casta replied. Clorissa tried to yank it off, but it wouldn't budge. "Well, that's not good." Clorissa stated as Casta gave a worried look.

    Magica went back to her house and was greeted by her parents. She went to her sisters room and knocked. Casta opened the door with a smile. "Hi, Magica." Casta greeted. "Hey." Magica greeted. "Is there something you need?" Casta asked. "Yes, actually. I have a surprise for you." Magica replied. "Really?" Casta asked shocked. "Yep." Magica replied as she handed her a golden box and Casta accepted it. "What's the occasion?" Casta asked. "No occasion. I just saw these and thought about you." Magica replied and Casta smiled. Casta opened it and gasped with a smile. She saw the two triquatra amulets, one with pink specks and one with black specks. "I love them!" Casta exclaimed and Magica smirked. "I thought you might." Magica stated. "Thank you." Casta stated. "Of course." Magica stated. Casta hugged Magica and Magica slowly hugged back, pretending she enjoyed it.

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