Chapter 27: Ghost World!

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Real World- Storybrook!
      Everything has been good in Storybrook. No drama since Magica. Everything seemed great and everyone was happy. Luna, Mouscedes, Astranova, and Elle all went back to Boo York. Bonita misses Luna, but Luna wanted to go back. They could always visit each other with potions, they just won't be able to see each other every day.
    Stella is the news reporter of the town, and is also Spectra Vondergeist. She was a ghost, but since they're in the real world, she's not transparent anymore, same with the other ghosts of the town. But she still has her ghost powers. She can fly and go threw solid objects, same with all of the other ghosts of the town. Stella was at her office in her job and she was typing her article in the newspaper. She submitted it in and smiled to herself. She walked out and smiled when she saw Peter on a bench making art. She walked over to him and sat next to him. Peter is really Porter Geist. Peter smiled when he saw her. He kissed her on the cheek and she blushed. "What are you working on?" Stella asked. "Just a little project." Peter replied. "May I see it?" Stella asked. "Nope." Peter replied and Stella pushed her eyebrows together. "Why not?" Stella asked. "Because it's a surprise." Peter replied with a smirk and Stella smiled. "I'm going to take a walk." Stella stated as she got up and Peter got up too. "Okay. I'll text you later and then I'll show you my surprise I'm making you." Peter stated and Stella nodded. "Sounds good to me." Stella agreed. She gave him a peck on the lips and then walked off as Peter sat back down and kept working on his art.
  Stella flew to the forest and then landed on the ground. She put her hair in a ponytail and sat down on a log. She started writing in her journal for an idea she's having. Wind started to form and it started getting bad. Stella sighed and put her journal and pen in her purse and stood up. She flew into the air and tried to fly away. But the wind was too strong and it was making her fly backwards. The wind formed a portal and Stella flew backwards until she flew into the portal as she screamed in shock.
  Tamora and Jason were walking in the forest on their first date. They were both nervous. Tamora slowly grabbed Jason's hand and he smiled at her. She smiled back and they kept walking as they held hands. "This is nice." Jason stated. "It is." Tamora agreed. But then they stopped when they heard screaming. They let go of each others hands and ran to the noise. They stopped when they saw Stella fly backwards into a portal. "Go get the other ghosts!" Tamora exclaimed as she ran towards the portal. "What are you going to do?" Jason asked. "I'm going to help Stella!" Tamora replied. Jason ran off as Tamora ran to the spot where the wind is. The wind was so strong that it picked her up and made her fly into the portal.
  Jason ran back to the forest with all of the other ghosts. They all stepped where the wind was. Peter, Kelly, Ruby, Victoria, Olivia, Joseph, Sidney, Ian, and Sirena all flew into the portal and then the portal closed. Jason stood there shocked. Why didn't he fly in there too? But then it hit him. He's not a ghost, a phantom, a shadow, or an invisible person. It was only taking those. He knew this wasn't going to be good. Jason ran back into town to tell everyone.

      It was several years after the red lady turned good in the ghost world. A light blue haired ghost flew to her house and went in. This ghost was very powerful. She's the first ghost that haunts monsters since the red lady. Now she's the most feared of the land. But the difference between her and the red lady is, the fact that this ghost still hasn't been captured. But this ghost doesn't just haunt monsters, she also haunts ghosts and scares them. She has taken over the ghost world and made everyone her slave. She's turned the school into her home and everyone is terrified of her. No one has the courage to stand up to her. Even the red lady fears her now. She flew into her bedroom, which use to be the Headmistress's office, and she layed on her bed, that is floating. Everything a ghost owns always floats. She smiled to herself as she thought about all of the progress she's made. "No one can stop me now." The female ghost stated. She calls herself.... Elvira.

Present- Ghost World!
      Stella and Tamora went through the portal and fell on a boat. They rubbed their heard as they stood up. "Tamora? What are you doing her" Stella asked. "I came after you." Tamora replied. "Why?" Stella asked. "Because I wasn't going to let you go through a portal by yourself." Tamora replied and Stella smiled. "That's sweet. But also very stupid." Stella stated and Tamora nodded. "Yeah. But Jason went to get the other ghosts." Tamora stated and Stella nodded. "Hopefully they can help." Stella stated.
     Just then Peter, Kelly, Victoria, Ruby, Joseph, Olivia, Sidney, and Ian all fell through the portal. Stella and Tamora helped them up. "Where are we?" Ruby asked and everyone looked around. "The ghost world." Stella replied. "And we're on my father's boat." Ruby stated. "But.... Where's Jason?" Tamora asked. "He was with us. But the portal only took us." Sidney replied. "But why?" Tamora asked. "Maybe it only wanted ghosts." Peter suggested. "But Ian is an invisible man, Sidney is a banshee, Olivia is a phantom, and I'm a shadow." Tamora stated. "Well, a shadow is somewhat like ghosts, I guess. Phantom's are half ghosts. Invisible people has ghost like abilities, and banshee's are types of ghosts." Peter explained. "This is not good, maties." Victoria stated. "At least Jason can warn people and they can help us get back." Kelly stated. "So, I guess we wait." Sidney stated. Everyone sighed and left Ruby's boat.

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