Chapter 32

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Aarons POV
I can't believe he shot her.

I stared at her all the way to the hospital. She looked really pale.

When we drove up to the hospital Ryder got out and got Ashley out.

I got out soon after and followed Ryder inside.

"We need help now"Ryder calls out.

A nurse runs over to him and takes Ashley out of his arms.

"We'll get her help sir but you need to stay in the waiting room"the nurse says carrying Ashley away.

Ryder nods and walks over to a chair. He sits down and puts his face in his hands.

I sit down next to him. I hear him start to cry.

I put my hand on his back and rub his back trying to calm him down.

"Its going to be okay" I say trying to make him feel better.

"No its not"he sobs.

He's in pain. I can tell. It hurts watching him like this.

I stop rubbing his back when I hear the nurse come in.

"Are you guys family?"she asks us.

"No I'm her friend and this is her boyfriend"I say.

The nurse nods. "Okay well Ashley is okay but she lost a lot of blood so she's going go stay here for a couple of days. Y'all can go in and see her now."

Me and Ryder stand up and thank her and walk to Ashley's room.

I stop and let Ryder go in first. I sit out for a minute then go inside.

Ashley was laying in the bes hooked up to machines. Ryder was holding her hand and talking to her.

She looks up and smiles at me. I smile back and stand beside Ryder.

"Hey guys"she whispers.

"Hey"me and Ryder both say at the same time.

Ryder touches her leg to see if she's still in a lot of pain.

She flinches and moves her leg away. I guess she is.

"Sorry"Ryder apologizes.

I watch as Ashley smiles sincerely to Ryder.

I have to leave them alone. I'm not important here.

I turn and start to walk out but Ryder stops me.

"Hey man. What's wrong? Why are you leaving?"he asks me.

"Because I feel like a third wheel okay. Even if we're in a hospital."

Ryder starts to laugh. I raise my eyebrows.

"What's so funny?"

"Aaron chill we want you here. Your one of our best friends."

I start to smile like crazy. God I'm acting gay.

"Thanks man"I say walking back beside Ashley.

"No problem."

"Hi Aaron"Ashley says weakly.

"Hi"I say trying to hold back the tears.

Seeing her like this makes me want to cry.

"Are you feeling alright?" Ryder asks.

"Yes I'm alright. Stop worrying Ryder"Ashley warns.

Ryder nods and shuts his mouth.

Just then the nurse came in.

"Visiting hours are over. You need to give her some rest now"the nurse says while fixing Ashley's leg.

We both nod and say goodbye to Ashley.

We walk out of the hospital and to the car. Ryder sighs and blinks back tears before getting in the car.

I get in afterwards and look at Ryder. Pain was written all over his face.

I start the car. I look at Ryder one last time before driving off.

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