Chapter 14

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I finish wiping the last of blood on me and fall onto my bed. He beat me left and right.

I hurt so much that I couldn't go back downstairs. I sigh and close my eyes letting sleep take over.

* * *
I finish putting my gym shoes in the locker and walk out of the gym.

I notice Ryder standing by my regular locker.

"Sup ash"he says rubbing the back of his neck.

"Hey fuckboy what's happening?"

He gives me a weird look and chuckles.

"Nothing anyway do you-" before he could say anything else the intercom comes on.


Ryder grabs my hand and shoves me into a janitors closet.

A janitors closet! That's the first place the person would be look for.

He locks it and slides down the wall. I slide down with him and bring my knees to my chest.

This can't be happening. Who's in the school? Are they armed? All these questions were running through my head constantly.

"Its okay ash,its going to be okay"Ryder soothes.

I bury my face in my knees. Were on lockdown how could he say that?

"Ryder just be quiet or the person will hear us"I hiss.

Out the corner of my eye I notice him hold his hands up in surrender.

We've been stuck in here for a hour now but it seemed like hours instead.

All of a sudden I hear someone cry out. Me and Ryder look at each other and stand up a bit to hear more clearly.

"Where is she"a deep voice yells.

"I-i don't know"a familiar voice stutters.

Blake. It was Blake. I almost wanted to go out there but Ryder was holding me back.

"Not a good enough answer Blake"the deep voice says sternly.
I cover my mouth from crying out.

"I'm serious s-sir"he stutters again.

I hear the guy pull something out. What's he pulling out?

"I'll give you one more chance where is she?"

It was silent for a minute. I felt anxious to know what happens next.

"I don't know sir I really don't know." I hear the guy sigh.

All of a sudden I hear a gun go off. That's when I hit the floor. Blake just got shot!

Ryder holds my mouth so he can't hear me. I start to sob like there was no tomorrow. 

I hear the guy walk away. I stand up and get out of Ryder's grip and open the door. Blake was laying there on the floor clutching his leg.

I run over to him and hold his leg.

"I'm so sorry that guy did that"I say truthfully.

"Who was it?"he whispers horrifyingly.

"I don't know I'll ask my dad." I hope my dad knows who this person is.

I want to know who would try to be looking for me. 

I stand up when Ryder clears his throat.

"Okay so the guy is still out there so let's go and hide again cause he'll probably shoot all of us if he finds us."

I nod and help Ryder pick up Blake. We carry him back to the janitors closet. 

I lock the door and take off my jacket and wrap it around Blake's leg. He whimpers in pain at this.

He lays his head on my shoulder and falls asleep. 

I sigh and turn to Ryder. He was halfway asleep.

I should probably get rest to. There's no telling how much  longer we'll be in here. So I better get some rest.

2 hours later

The guy was still roaming the school. No one has come on the intercom to give the all clear.

Blake was slowly losing blood. I was afraid he wasn't going to lice longer if we don't get him help. But someone is roaming the school with a gun so we couldn't get him any help.

He was still sleeping so just me and Ryder were awake.

"So ash do you think he'll live?"Ryder asks.

I turn to him and frown.

"No unless we get him help soon then no."

He nods and turns back to stare at the door.

I rub Blake's back. He turns in his sleep and whimpers in pain. It must hurt when he turns.

He opens his eyes and stares up at me.

"Ashley"he whispers.

"Its okay Blake. We'll get you help soon."

"Ashley I can't live much longer. I know I've lost a lot of blood already"he says painfully.

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying don't try. I know the guy won't give up until he finds you so by then I know I'll be dead." My stomach turns and knots up at his words.

He can't be serious. He has so much to live for.

"Blake no you can't give up. You have to fight this"I cry out.

"Blake are you sure man?" Ryder finally speaks.

Blake nods weakly. I start to sob again.

"Blake please hang in there for a bit longer I promise we'll get you help"I sob.

"Ashley please I'm in pain and I can't handle it no more. They won't find us for a while so it won't work."

I hold onto him tighter.

"Please I can't loose my best friend"I whisper.

Blake shakes his head and closes his eyes.

"I'll be fine Ashley don't worry"he assures me. 

I shake my head in response. He can't possibly want to do this.

He stops talking. I know that he's fallen asleep. Soon he'll be dead.

I cry softly while Ryder rubs my back.

All of a sudden the door busts open.

"Ah ha I found you"a deep voice says. That's when I knew my life would probably be over.

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