Chapter 2

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I walk into my final class for the day. I sit down in the back and lean back.

I see a guy sit beside me. He was hot.

He had black hair and emerald green eyes. He was wearing a black v shirt and jeans.

He smirks when he sees I'm checking him out.

"Are you checking me out new girl?"he asks me.

"Nope. There's nothing to check out."

He frowns.

"Um I am the hottest guy in the whole school"he protests.

"I doubt that."

"Why are you not falling for me?"he asks curiously. I turn to him.

"Because your just a guy who's full of himself. And has one nightstands a lot. You have a name for that you know. Its called a fuckboy."

"I guess I am one. But I'm hot. You should be falling on your knees like a regular girl would."

"I guess I'm not one of those girls."

"What's your name anyway new girl?"

"Ashley halls. Yours fuckboy?"

He grits his teeth before answering.

"Ryder waters."

He's the guy my father warned me about. I've already met him. So who cares.

"Nice name but fuckboy fits you better......"I trail off.

He scoffs and rolls his eyes.

"Whatever. Your name sounds familiar. I've heard it before. Wait are you the daughter of mason halls. The most feared mafia?"

I nod my head.

"Sure am fuckboy."

"Damn who knew his daughter was a bad ass. I saw you tell off Brooke earlier. And must I say what nice boobs you have there"he smirks.

"Yeah I know. People been telling me that all day."

"Its true."

He really is a fuckboy.

"Okay how about you stop talking to me. I'm trying to focus on what the teacher is saying"I whisper.

He gives me a retarded look.

"Um I know your lying. This teacher is like really boring."

I shoot him a glare.

"Yeah no shit." He rolls his eyes at my commit.

"Come one ash let's go"he says getting up.

Ash that's a new one. I'll live a little. I get up taking him by surprise. He was probably wanting me to pick a fight.

The teacher was very focused on the board to even notice us. Ryder closes the door and walks in front of me.

"Okay ash I'm taking you to eat. Your hungry right?"

"Um yeah. I eat a lot. So yeah I guess I am." He nods and gives me a weird look.

We stop in front of a truck. Oh my Jesus.

I squeal causing Ryder to give me another weird look.

"Um why are you squealing I didn't even take off my shirt."

Can this guy get any stupider.

"No. And I'm pretty sure I'd be throwing up if I saw you taking off your shirt."

He frowns. He seems to do that a lot when I don't fall for him.

"When do you not make a smart remark."

"Ha ha real funny"I say sarcastically.

He opens the door for me and I get in. He closes the door and gets in after me.

He turns on the car and gives me one last look before setting off.

About halfway through the ride I got bored. I pull out my phone and start to take pictures of everything I could find.

"I'm assuming your bored"Ryder chuckles.

"Yep. Where we going to eat anyways?''

"McDonald's"he replies.

I nod and continue taking pictures.

We finally get to McDonald's with his slow driving. I get out and Ryder walks close beside me.

He tries to reach for my hand but I don't let him. He best not think I'm one of those girls.

He opens the door for me and I step in. It wasn't crowded.

"Find a seat and I'll order ash." I nod and go take a seat near the window.

I pull out my ear buds and put them in. Letting the music blare.

I didn't notice Ryder was across from me when he tapped me.

I jump a little and he chuckles. I shoot him a glare.

"Ash all I did was tap you. And you go all crazy."

"Yeah and I had my ear buds in so i couldn't hear you say anything"I protest.

He sighs and shakes his head.

"So like you shoot or something?"he asks breaking the silence. I look up from my phone.
"Yeah. I have a hand gun I carry everywhere with me. Just for protection though. My father taught me how to shoot when I was 13."

"My dad taught me when I was 12."

"What kind of gun do you have anyways fuckboy?"

"Would you stop calling me that. And shotgun."

"Sweet. And why does it annoy you"I coo.

"Yes it does. And one day I will take you to a shooting range."

"I guess that be fun."

He nods and focuses on outside.

"Do you do this often. I mean like take girls out of school and just go out and eat?"I ask curiously.

''No your the first girl. Most girls would just want to you know get it on."

I gag a little just thinking about it.

"Well I'm honored."

He chuckles and run his hand through his hair. I turn my focus back on my phone.

Once we got done eating Ryder took me back to school to get my car.

He drops me off but not before saying goodbye.

"So um we should do this again. I mean like skip school and stuff."

"Yeah sure it was fun. Well bye."

He waves before driving off.

I get in my car and drive home.

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