Seriously?! Kissing him right in front of me?! Oh yeah, right! I remember, I'm just SOMEONE WHO'S NOT IMPORTANT and THE ANNOYING ONE. Who am I to her, right? RIGHT?!

"Let's go." Shawn intertwined his fingers with Camila's, flashing his devilish smirk while looking at me.

This jerk!

They're about to walk away from me so I quickly grab Camila's arm, pulling her closer to me. "Nah ah, you're going with me!" Then I shift my eyes on this jerk, "Leave! I don't want to see your fucking face here!" I turn my back on them and about to walk inside the house with Camila when Shawn pulled Camila towards him.

"I came to pick up MY girlfriend so back off, Jauregui!"

I let Camila go, so does Shawn. I walk towards his direction so we can have a fucking talk face to face like a dude with a balls.

"I'm Camila's fucking wife and I can slap the marriage certificate in your face right fucking now! So if there's someone in here who have the right to give Camila a ride to school then that's ME!"

"Enough of that, please!" Camila tried to cut off the tension but it's too late. With me being this close to Shawn, I don't think I can back away without punching his goddamn face first.

Shawn chuckled, "It was a force marriage, right? Besides, it's just a paper. You may have Camila by that fucking papers but her heart will always belongs to ME!"

"Leave!" I said through a gritted teeth. I'm not really asking, it was more of a fucking warning.

"No, you leave!" Shawn push me right into my shoulder. And that's enough reason for me to snap out and grab the collar of his shirt.

"You're fucking lucky that Camila's here. Because if she's not, I will break your nose and your fucking jaw!" I whispered angrily.

Shawn pushed my hands away from him, "Fucking asshole!" Then Shawn look over my shoulder, "Baby, let's go."

"No!" I blocked Camila's path using my right arm, "Camila will go with me!"

"She's coming with me!"

"No, with me!"

"Camila's going with me and that's final!"

"I said—"

The ruckus and argumentation from left to right that's happening between Shawn and I immediately vanished when Camila yelled.

"STOP, GODDAMNIT! If this is what you two are fighting for then I'll go to school all by myself!" Camila shook her head before she storm off, leaving the two of us all alone.

Fucking hell!

Shawn and I watch Camila walk away until she vanish from our sight. He chuckled, shifting his eyes on me. "Drop the concern act, Lauren. We both know you only care about Camila because you're so eager to have your revenge on me, right?"

A devilish smirk plastered on my lips while looking in his eyes that makes Shawn nodd his head slightly, "There it is. The devil finally shows her true color."

"Revenge?" I asked with a chuckle, "Why would I? Did you do something wrong?"

"Because you simply can't accept the fact that even though Keana's in a relationship with you, she still chose to slept with me. Twice!"

I chuckled, "That's...great to hear." Even though my blood is boiling inside and even though I'm this close of beating the hell out of him, I still choose to keep my cool. "You know, I'm thinking of sleeping with Camila twice too. But I kinda change my mind. Maybe a hundred times is great, don't you think? I know you're not aware of this but," I leaned closer to him and whisper, "I already saw Camila naked. She got a pretty damn sexy body it makes me—" I didn't finish what I'm saying when Shawn harshly grab the collar of my shirt with his jaw being clenched. His eyes are slowly turning into red as well.

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