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"baby, baby, baby~" the young boy petted the dog. the dog was bigger than two of him put together, actually.

"is she your baby?" his mother cooed. the kid nodded several times.

"i love her!"

"that's cute."

"umma, when can i go back to school? i miss that thai kid in my group. we always paint together."

"soon." his mother ran her fingers through his hair.

"why can't i go to school in the first place?"

"it's not safe, dear."

"umma! what about the thai boy? what if he gets hurt?!" his voice showed every bit of the concern he had for the tan guy.

"son, he'll be fine. nobody's been going to school, so nobody will get hurt."

"oh, okay. thanks umma!" he kissed his mother on the cheek. he loved to show his mom affection.

there was a bang on the door, and heavy footsteps. the dog ran away, and outside through the back.

"umma?" his mother put a hand over her lips to signal for him to hush.

he nodded. some men entered, speaking chinese.

"look, we know there's at least two people in here. come out before we find you. neither of you will be hurt unless you continue to hide." the boy's mother pushed her son into their line of sight.

"alright, kid. who's with you?


"someone is. our radar detected two people."

"is his eomma here?" another man asked in korean.

"my umma?"

"yes, now point her out, and we won't hurt either of you."

his mother stood up.

"i don't care if you hurt me. just don't hurt him, please." she sounded strong at the beginning, but she had started crying.

"don't hurt my jackson."

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