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"appa! eomma! can mark hyung stay while his parents go out on a date?" he asked, using his puppy eyes to beg them. his father looked into his eyes for a moment.

"alright, i say he can. but what do you think, darling?" his dad turned to his mother.

"i'm okay with it, just make sure his parents are fine wth it too!" she yelled as her son ran off, probably to find mark.

"mark! mark hyung!" the little boy's voice carried across the playground.


"eomma and appa said you can stay if your parents agree to it."


"yes hyung! we can play with my dog! and my dinosaur toys!" mark opened his mouth to say something, but his father grabbed him and slung him over his shoulder, practically running away from him.

"what.. did i do?" the young boy started to cry. he was too sensitive. soon enough, he was alone. he had looked all over for his mother and dad, but they had just disappeared.

"appa? eomma?" he called out again. he was hit in the head with something, and he fell. his vision was going blurry quickly, but a woman leaned over him.

"so you're youngjae then." he couldn't hear or see any more.

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